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His eyes were trained on her as she moved through the room going from sponsor to sponsor, trying to secure some for their tributes while he just ordered another drink, his eyes not leaving her. His heart stop4ped when he noticed how one laid a hand on her lower back, seeing how she shifted a bit at that, not knowing how to react at that as he narrowed his eyes at that seeing how the man looked down at her, his eyes fixed on her cleavage. "Something bothering you about the drink?"Chaff asked as Haymitch groaned at that. "My drink is perfectly fine."He muttered as Effie talked with the man slipping away from his hand to only see how her wrist got grabbed as she got pulled back to the man, to close to his liking as he took his drink tight in his hand before standing up from his place by the bar, zigzagging his way through the crowd, having only one destination in mind and that was Effie. No one could touch her like that. "You know I could invest a lot in your tributes."The man said softly as she looked up at him. "You should do that because of their potential not because of their escort."Haymitch said low, cocking an eyebrow as the man his attention went to him. "And I suggest you to keep your hands off her."He added as she looked at him surprised, at his defensive behavior suddenly. "Effie and I were just talking with each other."He said with a sweet smirk, his hand slipping from her wrist to go back to her lower back. "And if you don't keep that hand away, you will not be able to talk any longer."Haymitch warned low, taking Effie's hand in his, pulling her towards him as he wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder. "Shouldn't you be drinking yourself to oblivion somewhere?"The man asked glaring at him. "Or did you restore to screwing your escort?"He asked amused as Haymitch suddenly held his collar in his fist tightly bringing him close to him. "You do not talk about her like that."He hissed low, glaring right in the man's eyes. "Haymitch, let him go."Effie whispered laying a hand on his shoulder. "Listen to your little toy."The man spatted when Haymitch letted him go to only feel how a fist got collided with his face as Haymitch had hit him hard in the face, stumbling back a little before wrapping an arm around Effie again, leading her to the crowd of people that immediately went to the man who was pinching his nose now while Peacekeepers also came but before anyone could reach him and Effie, the doors of the elevator slid shut as complete silince hung between them. "Thank you."She said softly as her eyes were fixed on him, trying to read his reaction. "No problem, Princess."He muttered drinking his glass empty laying it down in the corner of the elevator before leaving it once they came by the penthouse. "You know you're gonna get in troubles because of what you did."She said softly as he shrugged his shoulders at that. "I get in trouble each year, Effs."He said going to the kitchen for a bottle of Rum as Effie followed him slowly. "Why did you do it?"She asked as he turned around to face her. "No one touches you like that, sweetheart."He answered taking a step closer towards her. "Unless that person is me."He added stroking her cheek gently as she seemed surprised at that gentle gesture coming from the normal harsh drunk mentor who was showing her a part of him that she hadn't noticed before. She wrapped her arms around his neck suddenly, hugging him as he was unsure what to do before wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his body as a weird feeling went through his body at the closeness of their bodies. "Sudden affection?"He asked when she letted him go but his hands rested on her hips. "It's a thank you."She answered staring in his eyes as a smile formed on his lips. He wanted to say something back, come back with a good comeback but nothing came in his mind instead he did the thing that he never thought he would do, he leant down and pressed his chapped lips to her soft plump lips as she answered the kiss without any hesitation. "You're mine."He whispered against her lips, his hands holding her closer against him as he seemed to try to make their bodies once as she broke the kiss for a moment. "And you're mine."She whispered back entangling her fingers in his hair to pull him back for another kiss. "Wouldn't want it any other way, sweetheart."

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