Always need You

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Each year she came back, each year surprising him more and more by the affection she showed the tributes, how she seemed to care about them but still he couldn't shake the idea of that she sended them to the Games but then he often heard her cry when she thought that she was alone. He seemed to notice the mask she put on whenever people are around but sometimes it slipped. Just as today.

They were watching the Games together while talking to possible sponsors for their tributes when their female one got killed by a tribute from one. He had noticed how her eyes got glued to the screen, watching every move as she blinked her eyes a couple of times before excusing herself leaving the room suddenly. Should he go after her or not? He clearly hadn't drink enough to handle it yet but something inside of him decided in his place as he went to the elevator quickly slipping in before the doors shut. "Haymitch!"She yelped dabbing her eyes with a tissue as she turned her back at him for a moment, taking a deep breath in. "Sweetheart."He muttered with a nod leaning against the wall. "You...You should be down there."She said carefully. "So should you."He threw back watching the numbers change above the  doors. "I need to redo my make up."She said leaving the elevator once the doors slid open leaving him alone in there as he soon left to, going to the kitchen to get a glass of whiskey before wandering a bit through the corridors stopping when he could hear the clear sound of sobbing coming out of Effie's room. "Sweetheart, are you alright?"He asked knocking on the door. "I'm alright, Haymitch."She quickly answered but before anything else could be said he had opened the door finding her sitting onto her bed with tissues around her. "You're not alright."He murmured as she jumped up at that, going straight to the bathroom. "Just get out!"She yelled wanting to close the door as he put a shoe between the door. "Don't hide from me, Effie."He said pulling the door open. "I look ridiculous."She murmured as he went towards her grabbing her shoulders to turn her around to face him. "I was sure all that paint wasn't waterproof."He said with a smirk grabbing a towel of the sink as he carefully started to clean the make up off her face. "Why did you follow me?"She asked softly. "Because it is no fun down there when you're not there."He answered wiping the last bit of make up away throwing the towel in the sink, studying her face for a moment. She was beautiful, not that he hadn't noticed it before but without all the paint smeared on her face, she looked like a goddess to him. "You know you don't need all the make up."He said softly. "And you know you don't need all the alcohol."She said back as he smirked at that. "But I will always need you."

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