Don't be so uptight

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Her notebook hit her knee repeatedly as everyone watched her unsure. What was going to happen? Katniss and Peeta exchanged gazes while the only one being absolutely obvlious to the escort was Haymitch who sat onto the couch next to her lazily. "What is getting your panties in a twist, Sweetheart?"Haymitch asked as Effie's head immediately turned in his direction, her eyes narrowing. "You."She hissed dropping her notebook onto the table. "You should be helping me with this, this whole Victory Tour but all you do is drinking!"She added as he cocked an eyebrow at that. "It's what I'm supposed to do. You're the planner here."He said raising his glass a bit. "You're supposed to help me!"She yelled angry causing Katniss and Peeta to jump up from their seats quickly leaving the compartment as they did not wish to be involved in one of their many discussions again. "You should really finally know what you want."Haymitch muttered as he reached for the bottle that stood on the table. "Haymitch Abernathy, don't you dare to fill that glass!"She hissed low. "What you gonna do, Princess?"He asked daringly, his fingers wrapping around the bottle as she jumped forward for the bottle as he immediately pulled it away. "We ask for it nicely."He said with a smirk. "I have never heard you say anything nicely to me this whole Tour!"She said back watching the bottle. "You want to hear something nice?"He asked, the smirk only growing larger and larger on his face. "You look less ridiculous than last year."He said leaning back onto the couch. "Especially the more amount of cleavage."He said as she gasped at that, jumping up from her seat as she picked up her notebook holding it in front of her cleavage. "That is utterly rude to say!"She exclaimed hitting him hard with it on his arm. "It's a compliment."He said with a shrug putting the bottle to his lips to only get it snatched away from him. "Princess, I suggest you to give that back to me."He warned standing up. "I'm done with your act."She hissed. "I need your help to plan everything, organise..."She started summing to only yelp when Haymitch charged towards her as she quickly lifted her arm to get it out of reach for him but she wasn't going to let him win that easily as she held tightly onto the bottle to only feel how she got pulled towards him. Her chest was against his and she could feel his breath stroke her cheek. "You look flattering like this."He whispered with a grin. "You...You shouldn't be pulling at me like that."She muttered looking up at him. "You shouldn't be taking away my whiskey."He threw back at her. "You shouldn't be drinking so much."She said wanting to take a step away from him to only feel how his arm wrapped around her waist holding her close against him. "You shouldn't be so uptight."

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