I'm Only Trouble

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She imagined how it would be like seeing him again for the first time, would they just greet each other with a hello? Or would they hug? Or even maybe a peck on the cheek?
He would probably just nod his head, acknowledging her presence but nothing else.

It made her unable to decide how she should react at seeing him for the first time again as he clapped his hands, the familiar scent of alcohol that he used to have, gone. Bags under his eyes, his hair rather messy with a beanie placed on it to make it look at least a bit presentable.
"And that my friends, is how a revolution dies."He commented dryly, earning a piercing glare from Katniss as she just watched him. "Hello, Katniss. Is that how you greet an old friend?"He asked when she did not bother to say anything to him. "Maybe I don't recognize you sober."She said back to him. "Well, I guess it looks as bad as it feels."He muttered as she walked past him, not saying another word to her mentor as they were left alone in the room. "Not even a word from you, sweetheart?"He asked once his grey eyes found her, standing in the back of the room, a clipboard tightly in her hands. "You should have said something."Was all that left her lips as she exited the room, going in the room next to it where everyone was already gathered, the clip playing on the screen as Haymitch slipped in behind her. 

"Madam President, indulge me for a moment, if you would."Haymitch spoke once it ended as he stood up from the chair he sat in. "Let's everybody think of one incident where Katniss Everdeen genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle or her dress went up in flames or she made a halfway decent shot with an arrow. And not where Peeta made you like her. No, I'd like you all to think of one moment where she made you feel something real."He said, looking around the room as her hand shot up immediately, ignoring everything for a moment. "When she volunteered for her sister at the Reaping."Effie said, looking at Katniss with a small smile. "Excellent example. I hope that wasn't important."He said, wiping away everything that was on the screen before writing on it. "What else?"He asked, not even fully turned around when she spoke again. "When she sang that song for little Rue."She said, her eyes going to Plutarch who was seated next to her. "Oh yeah, who didn't get choked up at that? You know I like you better, Effie, without all the makeup."He said before writing again. "Well, I like you better sober."

"Sweetheart."His smooth voice sounded just as everyone left the room, stopping her from doing the same as she slowly turned around to face him. "What is it, Haymitch?"She asked, crossing her arms with a huff. "I did it for your safety."He answered, closing the distance between them as he took her wrists in his hands, uncrossing her arms before wrapping them around his waist, keeping them in place. "I didn't want you to get hurt in it all."He murmured, lifting up her chin when he was sure she wouldn't pull back. "So you decided to hurt me?"She asked back, her blue eyes gazing in his grey ones, all her emotions visible in them. "You could have simply taken me with you."She added in a whisper. "I didn't want to force you. You love the Capitol."He said back, feeling how her arms slipped from his body, a sad smile formed on her lips. "But I loved you more." She whispered, a lone tear rolling down her cheek as he stared at her in slight schock at this confession. "No matter how you behaved, I always came back for you. No matter how much you tried to scare me off, I always came back but you, you couldn't even take me with you."She explained, laying all her emotions bare, emotions she never showed but now she couldn't hide them anymore. "Sweetheart, I didn't know."He muttered softly, trying to take her hand back in his to only have her pull away. "That's always the problem. I need to speak, to show and you never do."She said back, frustrated. "I did everything for you and you never showed me."She added softly, his eyes just staring at her, unable to form words. "I didn't..."He started to only get interupted by her. "Didn't know?That's the problem."She hissed her frustration turning in anger. "You could have just asked me once how I was feeling but you rather take the risk and hope it was good for me. Why couldn't you just ask me?"She asked in a pleading voice. "You know why I didn't ask, sweetheart? Do you really wanna know?"He asked, taking a step closer, grabbing her hands before she could take a step back. "You deserve so much better than a drunk bastard like me. I'm a broken man."He said, finally breaking down these walls. "And I'm just as broken as you."She whispered back, pulling her hands out of his grip, not to pull back like he thought she would but to cup his face in her hands, making him look in her eyes. "I don't need anyone else but you."She added as a low chuckle left his lips. "I'm only trouble."He muttered to feel how her lips suddenly connected with his, for a gentle but way too short kiss to his taste. "And I'm good at solving problems."

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