Title: Welcome to IG
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Genre: CrackSummary: Kyungsoo made an Instagram account.
"HOW DOES THIS THING EVEN WORK," Kyungsoo half-shouts half grumbles while tapping angrily on his phone's screen, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. All he knows right now is that, he successfully made an Instagram account just by clicking random buttons which looks appealing to him, and luckily it was the Sign Up or Create an Account button. He doesn't know, really, or he just doesn't give a single shit.
"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asks as he spots Kyungsoo looking like an irritated boy over his broken PSP. Kyungsoo disregards him, continuing on tapping and swiping his phone, deeply engrossed with his newly discovered social media experience.
Gaining no response, Baekhyun walks over to Kyungsoo with a sway of his hips and peers over the shorter's narrow shoulders to know what his friend is up to. Baekhyun thinks that Kyungsoo might be watching porn again. (He caught him once during Overdose promotion and Kyungsoo frantically defended himself with a suspicious 'It was an accident! I swear! I don't even know how to use the internet!' Baekhyun let it slide.)
"Dodyooooo," Baekhyun reads the letters on top of the opened application Kyungsoo is currently working at. He can see Kyungsoo's thumb tapping aimlessly all over the screen like he really doesn't know what the heck is he even doing at all.
Baekhyun lets out an irritating laughter, slapping Kyungsoo's back in the process as he holds Kyungsoo's arm for support. Kyungsoo suddenly jerks with a puppy whine as he sends death glares to Baekhyun. Baekhyun gulps, stepping back.
"Get lost Baekhyun, I'm busy."
"Because of Instagram. You made yourself an Instagram," Baekhyun says in a flat mocking tone. "I thought it's for playful members of EXO only?"
"Shut up," Kyungsoo bickers while rolling his eyes. "Jongin made an IG account, so I should made one, too."
"IG, huh? You even uses internet shortcuts. How techie."
"You know, Baekhyun. Just, just disappear out of my sight, okay? And while disappearing, can you please don't come back ever and just die on a hole or something."
"You're so sweet. I'll tell Chanyeol about that," Baekhyun replies while grinning ear to ear. "And hey, nice choice of username. Very creative!"
Kyungsoo gets this chance to throw Jongin's one week unwashed boxers at Baekhyun's annoying face.
Kyungsoo finally has an Instagram account! Follow him @dodyooooo!
Here is his first post:[KYUNGSTAGRAM UPDATE]
@dodyooooo"Good morning."
(Insert a blurry picture here with Kyungsoo's face-- eyes staring wide, lips curved into a smirk, the filter used: Sexy Lips)
Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun laugh obnoxiously altogether as they read the article posted on the internet. Sehun quickly opens his phone while giggling and he taps the small heart below his hyung's picture, while Chanyeol excitedly types a comment. Baekhyun puts his own comment as well.
Welcome to IG, Dude!baekhyunee_exo
@kimkaaaaa your wife has an IG! Congratulations!

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