An Analysis of the ChanBaek Moment During Sehun Time on Peter Pan in EXOluxion in Manila D-1
by ParkBaekkie
This is not a fiction. This is not a one shot. This written work is factual, so it only means that all of what you'll be reading in this part truly happened on January 23, 2016 based on my OWN perspective. I attended the concert so I saw the ChanBaek moment live. I watched the video closely, too. Meticulously, slowly and even in different angles with my two hawk eyes!
So, as promised as I said on Facebook, and to satisfy my overflowing feels, I've decided to write my personal view, hypothesis, analysis, opinion and observation about the said topic.
I just want to remind you guys that we all have different beliefs, so I'm not saying that I am the only right, or what's written here are verified true. THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW AND IT'S UP TO YOU WHETHER TO BELIEVE IT OR NOT.
If you haven't watched the close fancam of this yet, I suggest you watch it first so you can understand what I'm going to talk about here.
Let's start!
First, the music, Peter Pan, stopped and the members froze. In this segment of EXOluxion, Sehun (the only member who can move) would choose two frozen members whom he will manipulate. The chosen members would stay frozen and let Sehun pull them, move their bodies, arms and heads until the music plays again.
Out of all members, why Sehun? He's the youngest. He can do whatever he wants with the hyungs. On the past EXOluxions, he made Xiumin and Jongdae kiss, even Suho and Jongdae. And D.O too. Or vice versa. I forgot if he has already chosen Lay. Please tell me if you know.
So now, back to the topic. Have you noticed? NEVER in before Sehun chose Chanyeol and Baekhyun together.
Never in before.
Only in EXOluxion in Manila.
But why?
Maybe he knew the Philippines has a lot of Chanbaek shippers? Or maybe he felt like doing it at that moment? Or maybe he has been told to do so?
Or maybe. Maybe he sensed or he knew, something MUST be going on between the two. Maybe he wanted to tease the fans. Or tease Chanyeol and Baekhyun? I don't know, but one thing is for sure. He knew something about them.
The fans were screaming loudly when the music paused, and ''Sehun Time'' started. That moment, I wasn't expecting anything because I already knew Sehun's going to choose XiuChen, as usual.
But that's what I thought.
I was completely wrong.
The first few seconds, Sehun walked behind Chanyeol (who was currently holding a mic and doing a V-sign while frozen). He passed by him and marched playfully towards Xiumin, who was currently sitting on a chair due to his injury. He peeked at his face and teased him by pulling up his shirt to show the fans his abs, but he failed. At this time, both Chanyeol and Baekhyun were looking at them. Chanyeol pointed at something in particular, maybe at Xiumin's reaction hiding his abs.
Sehun was done with the oldest, so he went to the person standing beside Xiumin. To none other than, Baekhyun.
And the fans broke into chaos.

EXO OTP's One Shots Collection ⭐
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