Title: The Gods' Gift
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Fantasy, Doll!au
Word Count: 5.4k words
Warnings: Cursing, Some sexual themesSummary: Sehun should teach his favorite doll not to clog his toilet next time. Junmyeon is indeed a bad influence.
Notes: This is for you, Bia who requested Hunhan! I hope you liked it~
The inheritance Sehun's father left before he died wasn't money, house, nor a car. Fortunately, it wasn't debt, too.
It was a precious collection.
A collection of Chinese porcelain dolls, specifically.
His father wasn't an artist, a businessman, nor a craftsman when he was still alive. He was a caretaker of a Chinese ancestral mansion, so when the owners passed away, they transferred to their loyal servant their properties including the house and the doll collection worthing billions and millions of money. Many negotiators and experts have attempted to buy them, and even offered the collection for auction overseas, but the caretaker firmly declined. As a child, Sehun had witnessed every people trying to bribe and persuade his father, so he deeply knew by heart how much the old man treasured the collection greater than his life.
"It is one of the things in this world that cannot be bought by wealth," Sehun remembered his dying father telling him as he lied breathlessly on the hospital bed, "Protect the doll collection, my son. Protect them like how I protected you."
Sehun gently placed the bouquet of carnation on his father's grave stone. "It has been three years since you left me, Dad." He chuckled, and the warm breeze blowing to his face made his heart more melancholic. "They've been fine at home. Still beautiful as ever. And as for me." He sighed. "I've been holding up really good. Thanks to Junmyeon, I don't feel alone."
A honk from a distance caused him to turn his head. He saw his cousin waving at him and pointing at the time.
"I'll take care of myself well, Dad. It's a shame that I have to go now. The exhibit's today and I just dropped by to pay my respects..."
"Oh Sehun!" Junmyeon hollered as he cupped his mouth, and Sehun had to squint his eyes to see him, "Mr. Park's calling! Eight o'clock sharp!"
Sehun glanced at his watch.
"Oh shit," he muttered. "Bye, Dad!" He dashed towards Junmyeon's car, and as soon as he was inside, the vehicle drove like lightning. Sehun quickly fixed his crooked necktie slapping to his cheek while Junmyeon laughed at him.
"You know I was just thinking," the older said, "You could practically become rich, though, if you sell those dolls to him. You won't even have to work your entire life."
"You want Dad's ghost to visit your sleep?"
"Hey, I was just kidding." Junmyeon shivered, then he yelled, "Uncle! I didn't mean it, okay!"
Sehun snickered. "Drive faster. You know how Mr. Park hates waiting."
The ancestral mansion was divided into two parts: the basement and the main mansion. The basement was where the thousands of pieces of porcelain Chinese dolls in various types, origins, and sizes were placed. Caged inside a special fiber glass under delicate lighting and air conditioned ventilation, they were well-taken care of to preserve their beauty and grace. Coming from budget of last year's exhibit, Sehun had managed to improve the security of the doll collection. He had CCTV's installed inside the basement to regularly supervise the dolls' condition.

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