Title: When You Turn Off the Lights
Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo, ChanBaek!extra
Rating: M
Genre: Smut, Fluff, ComedyWarnings: Homophobia, Sex, Cursing, Sexual Themes, Very Bad Sexual Jokes
Summary: Kyungsoo hates interviews. Jongin is trying to get into his pants.
(A/N: This is a slight sequel to the EXO-K One Shot Part 37, When Boredom Strikes. This is for you who requested KaiSoo smut and fluff ages ago. I'm sorry it took so long!
I warned you, guys so don't blame me for this. Enjoy reading!)
The last time Kyungsoo evaluated himself, he is definitely sure he wasn't gay.
He can prove it though, through ten thousand and one reasons, that he can enumerate them one by one based on what he did when he was still not an idol. He can make a long list and write it all day, the proofs that he is not attracted to males. That he is heterosexual by nature. He made four cute girls fall for him when he was in Grade 3, and made them his girlfriends at the same time. He popped cherries of seven girls when he was in middle school, and dated them no longer than a month. He dated thirteen ladies, including the hottest girl in campus, and even took her virginity when he was in high school, not to mention he broke her heart the same day he dated and fucked her best friend, who was his ex-best friend's girlfriend. And the rest is history.
To say that he was a playboy is an understatement, because he was hell of a great satan evil casanova who was promiscuous yet innocent. He was really a devil in disguise.
Kyungsoo knows this fact like the back of his hand, it is ingrained in his mind that never in his life he would get attracted to any man, a specie like him, having the same anatomy as his-- a dick, and a pair of balls.
Until some Kim Jongin came.
After they finish practicing a complex choreography, Kyungsoo remembers he once thought their dancing machine was extremely hot and sexy. Jongin has a nice lean body, not so muscular not so thin. His golden tanned skin is perfect, especially when moisturized with water streaming down from the warm shower. He doesn't notice he is staring too long to be considered normal, that is only when Jongin lifts a questioning eyebrow as he shampoos his hair hurriedly.
Turning off his shower, Kyungsoo wraps a towel around his waist and turns his heel away to leave, but he is stopped by a hand curled around his arm.
"Wait," a husky voice whispers against his ear. He shivers.
"Kyungsoo," Jongin calls, turning Kyungsoo's body to face him, and he immediately notices that his eyes are averted. "I saw you."
"Saw me what?" Kyungsoo retorts, and he is trying his best to ignore the droplets of water trickling down to Jongin's perked nipples.
"You were staring at my body," Jongin muses smugly, clicking his tongue. "Weren't you?"
"What the fuck?" Kyungsoo chuckles darkly, shaking his head. "Why would I?"
"Hmm, I don't know," Jongin says, shrugging. "Maybe you thought I was hot."
"You're hot." Kyungsoo states. "But unfortunately, it is not very appealing to my senses. So please," Kyungsoo pulls his arm away, "Get out of my sight."

EXO OTP's One Shots Collection ⭐
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