Title: Pink and Blue
Pairings: Chanyeol/Baekhyun, Sehun/Luhan, slight!BaekHan
Rating: M
Genre: Smut, FluffWarning: Underage Sex, Sexual themes, A Lot of Cursing, Dirty Talk
Summary: Baekhyun is a pink-haired genius. Luhan likes blue. They're in search for boyfriends.
(A/N: This is for my two lovely readers who requested for ChanBaek and HunHan smut and fluff. I'm sorry it took so long, I had Midterms this week and I need to study! Anyways, I hope you'll love this because I had fun writing the story!
Kindly read the warnings above and enjoy reading!
"I'm so jealous," Baekhyun deadpans against his friend's shoulder as he looks at the campus couple, Jongin and Kyungsoo doing all lovey-dovey on the bleachers. Said friend is focused watching the basketball game their class is playing against the other section.
"Why?" Lips quirking, Luhan asks boredly, not bothering himself to look at Baekhyun. "Is it because I got laid yesterday and you're not?'
"Fuck you." Baekhyun gives him an irritating eyeroll. "I had to study yesterday. I need to beat Park Chanyeol, remember?"
"So that's why you were whining when you called me in the middle of me sucking someone's dick while he fingered me." Luhan licks his lips from the memory.
"Thank you for the distraction by the way," Baekhyun says in a sarcastic tone. "I had to jack off to that. I almost soiled my Biology notes of Cell Division, The Mitosis and Meiosis with my come."
Luhan laughs, tapping Baekhyun's lap under his palm. "You should've told me to blow you then."
"I am not putting my dick in your disgusting mouth anymore. I'm sick of it."
"Says the one who just made out with me earlier."
"It's just because I don't have someone else to make out with." Baekhyun frowns. "I want to have a boyfriend."
"You have Park."
"I said boyfriend, not a peasant."
"Well, you should find one."
Lifting an eyebrow, Baekhyun comes up with an idea. A better idea.
"We're buddies, right?"
"Yeah," Luhan replies, then he smiles. "Buddies who do up to second base."
"Well, then. Who was it whom you hooked up with last night?"
"I didn't catch his name, but I saw his hair and his handsome face," Luhan answers. "Why do you ask?"
"You should go find him and make him your boyfriend," Baekhyun says eagerly. "And I'll find mine."
"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard from you, seriously," Luhan muses, eyes glinting. "Hmm, but I wonder where I could find him."
Baekhyun grins as Luhan waggles his eyebrows suggestively.
"You should go out with Park, though."
Baekhyun hits him square on the face.
"And I like your pink hair. Suits you very well."
Baekhyun grins at that, flipping his short pink hair like he's one of the models in the Tresumme commercial.

EXO OTP's One Shots Collection ⭐
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