Title: Of Dentists and Chocolates
Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG
Genre: FluffSummary: Baekhyun is afraid of dentists. He calls Chanyeol Mister.
(A/N: This is for you Alliah who's always supporting me and giving me all the ChanBaek love in the world. You're one of my favorite readers, and I hope you'll like this tiny work!
To all my beloved CHANBAEK shippers out there, enjoy reading!)
"Say ahh."
"Wider, Baekhyun."
"Very good."
Chanyeol hums, nodding his head up and down as he fixes his eyeglasses perched on top of his nose. Clicking his tongue, he points an index finger inside Baekhyun's mouth, just above Baekhyun's cavitied molar.
"Tsk, tsk,tsk." Chanyeol shakes his head for a dramatic emphasis that has Baekhyun widening his glassy eyes worriedly. The tall male places a comforting hand on top of the boy's small shoulder.
"Baekhyun, we need to go to the dentist right away."
"Yes. We need to get rid of that tooth immediately."
"But I don"t want to go to the dentist."
Sighing, Chanyeol crosses his arms over his chest like he's of authority. Eyes rounding in fear as images of a man dressed in white flashes in his mind, Baekhyun furrows his eyebrows, distancing himself away from Chanyeol when the man reaches out to him.
"No!" Baekhyun sobs, burying his flushed face into his small hands and shaking his head left to right. "I don't want to go to the dentist!"
"No, Mr. Chanyeol! I'm afraid of the dentist!"
"Baekhyun," with a gentle voice, Chanyeol says, smiling. "Do you want to eat chocolates again or not?"
Peeking slightly behind his trembling hands, Baekhyun looks up to the man, his eyes puffy. "Ch-chocolates?"
Chanyeol nods. "Yes. Just like your favorite."
Baekhyun lets his guards down for a while as he shifts on the couch anxiously, contemplating whether to believe Chanyeol or not. Chocolates, sweet and yummy chocolates filling his mouth and sending him tingling sensations after the first bite. He definitely wants to feel it again, taste it, but the thoughts of the scary man in white holding pliers in his hand forcing Baekhyun's mouth open has Baekhyun shaking his head again. He securely hugs his knees close to his chest, curling up into a ball.
"No! I hate dentists! They're scary people!"
"Baekhyun, dentists aren't scary. They're our friends and they take care of our teeth." Chanyeol tenderly brushes away Baekhyun's sweaty fringe that falls through his sparkly eyes. "Look at my teeth." He grins widely, showcasing his pearly whites. "They're pretty, right?"
"Y-yes, but," Baekhyun pouts. "But you're lying to me, Mr. Chanyeol!" Baekhyun blurts out, peeking slightly above his arms to reveal crying eyes, making Chanyeol's heart clench in an endearing way. "Mr. Kris said they are monsters! They will pull your teeth out until there is blood! And it really really hurts and you will cry but the dentists will only laugh at you because they are very scary.. and bad," he looks away, sniffing his nose. "I'm not going to the dentist."

EXO OTP's One Shots Collection ⭐
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