Title: The Broken Crayon
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Friendship, Slight AngstSummary: Luhan has no red crayon. Sehun gives him the whole box.
(A/N: This is for you who requested HunHan kids, and this is also for all my amazing HUNHAN shippers out there.
Enjoy reading!)
"You're always staring at that piece of wax."
Sehun looks up to the owner of the voice, following with his eyes his mother coming inside his tidy room with a basket of clean laundry in hand. Smiling a little, the teenager heaves a deep sigh and returns his gaze at the broken piece of red crayon on top of his palm. The paper wrapped around its tiny body has already worn out, while the blunt tip of the crayon has already turned slightly black due to its age. It can barely be used to color anything-- it's already trash, a useless coloring material for a kid or a teenager for Sehun's case, just like what his mother always says.
"Hmm?" Mrs. Oh says from where she is crouched beside Sehun's laundry basket, sorting her son's white and colored dirty clothes.
"Do you think I will find him again?"
There's a thick silence enveloping the room that answers his question, yet again. His mother doesn't even bother to look up from her chore, and Sehun himself already knows her response, as always. He thinks he should stop believing anymore to the saying silence means yes, because it has been a decade since he asked that repetitive query, and never in those times he received the answer he is longing for.
"Dinner's ready in a minute," Mrs. Oh reminds with a gentle smile on her lips, walking over to Sehun's study table and giving him a quick ruffle on his hair. "Don't miss my cooking tonight or else I'm going to throw that away."
"You would never do that."
"I could, but I rather wouldn't," she jokes before she is closing the door with a silent click.
Sehun leans his back against the backrest of his swivel chair, looking up to the starless skies outside his broad window. He breaks into a sullen smile, the red crayon is clutched securely inside his warm palm as he keeps his thoughts afloat in his mind.
"I will see you.." Sehun softly whispers into the cold air coming in from his opened curtain, "again, right?"
"Bring out your coloring books and we will going to color the apple on page three."
"Yes, teacher!"
"What's the color of an apple?"
"RED!!!" the kids altogether answer, raising their little hands up in the air.
"Very good! Now get your crayons and do your work quietly."
Six-year-old Sehun happily smiles as he grabs his box of 24 crayons inside his bag, putting it on top of his desk. Hastily, he also pulls out his new Spiderman coloring book which is a little bit crumpled, so he straightens it with his small palm.
"Red, red, red, red, red, re-- oh, there you are Mr. Red crayon," Sehun mutters as he finds the crayon inside the box. After a few seconds, he is gripping the crayon within his stubby fist as he drags it along the space inside the apple. He is very eager on coloring his apple when his seatmate accidentally nudges his elbow, making him to misalign his proper apple coloring.

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