Title: Take My Nightmares Away
Pairing: Sehun/Baekhyun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Word Count: 6.6K wordsWarnings: Broken ChanBaek, Broken HunHan, Swearing, Drama, Homophobia, Slight Violence, Nightmare
Summary: Baekhyun has nightmares that Chanyeol can't take away. Sehun is the only one who can put him back to sleep.
Long Note: Read the warnings mentioned above before reading the story.
This one shot was written over a year ago, so the events in this fic were based on what actually happened that time. I never had the urge to publish this because it was quite hard to write, but I made it, and I really tried my best! For you who requested this, and for all my SeBaek and ChanBaek stans out there, this is for you.
A loud shrill bursts out from Baekhyun's room upstairs, causing Chanyeol to shoot up from his sleep. He blinks his eyes and looks up to the ceiling.
Eyes widening, Chanyeol stands up from the couch to where he was sleeping, and hastily runs, sleepiness now gone but replaced with worry.
What is it again this time? Is he alright!? Did he have a nightmare again? He didn't forget to take his meds, did he? Chanyeol climbs up the stairs, feet stumbling and hands finding purchase on the railing. His heartbeat is ringing inside his ears, worry filling his face.
Baekhyun... I'll be right there..
A sobbing voice is what greeted him as Chanyeol opens the door, seeing all dark. The lights are off while the sheets are lying on the floor. He squints his eyes and finds a crouched figure at the corner of the bed.
He steps forward.
Baekhyun needs him right now, he should comfort him, hug him, stay by his side, wipe his tears away, and tell him everything is going to be okay--
"It's going to be all right.. Stop crying, ssh.. It's okay, hm?"
Chanyeol pauses.
"I'll be right here... Shh, it's all right, I won't leave you... no, no, no.. I'll stay with you until you're okay. I promise.."
He steps backwards, slowly, hesitantly.
"Y-you won't go anywhere, will you?" Baekhyun asks in a shaky voice, crying. "You'll sleep beside me? You'll be right here?"
"T-thank you..."
A pang pricks his beating heart, so Chanyeol closes his eyes shut in attempt to will away the ache building up once again. He swallows the pain down to his throat, lowering his eyes on the floor.
It has always been him, the first person Baekhyun wants to see when he cries, is not Chanyeol but him.
He already knows that fact like the back of his hand, but it still hurts the most when it opens like a fresh wound. He just can't find himself stopping, because he really loves Baekhyun so much.
Even though Baekhyun doesn't see him that way, because...
"Sehun, I love you so much."
It's the naked truth and it stings.
"I love you, I need you, I can't live without you. Just stay. Please."
In the dark, Sehun turns to look at Chanyeol with worried eyes as he pats Baekhyun's back, mentally asking him for assistance.

EXO OTP's One Shots Collection ⭐
Fanfic|ONGOING| A One Shot Collection ONLY FOR EXO's Precious OTP's (MOSTLY CHANBAEK) #41 in Fanfiction - 180225 #46 in Fanfiction - 180222 #50 in Fanfiction - 170504 1 Million reads - 170913 * Date Created: January 20, 2015 Date Finished: - Copyright © 2...