Title: Answer Me 2005
Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG
Genre: RomanceSummary: Baekhyun is a single Dad and Chanyeol is willing to wait.
"Why won't you accept me?"
The abrupt question startles Baekhyun, the words passing through his ear as they echo through his own thoughts. He presses his cracked lips on a thin line and shuts his eyes close, before turning to side-glance at the slouched man beside him.
As if unsure to answer Chanyeol's question, Baekhyun takes his time to wander his sight around the bright-lighted room of his six-year old daughter, eyes squinting among sea of baby pink curtains and throngs of teddy bears. He makes a mental note to change her Disney bedsheets into a new ones after his visitor leaves.
"Are you hungry?" Baekhyun asks, trying to sound nonchalant as he scratches the back of his neck. Neglecting that question for the umpteenth time, is what Baekhyun thinks the most effective reply for the both of them. Chanyeol lifts his eyes, but averts them anyway, gloomily.
"I've already eaten at work before I came here," Chanyeol says, voice thick which Baekhyun doesn't want to know if because of hurt or other reasons. Standing up, he puts down on the single bed the rectangular box wrapped in a red ribbon at the top, which Baekhyun thinks is another doll for Junhee. "So it's a shame I'd get to miss your cooking." He gestures at the present. "And uh, about this, I just passed by the toy store so I thought it wouldn't hurt--"
"Chanyeol," Baekhyun says in resignation. "I think you need to stop."
Chanyeol looks up to him, waiting.
"What I mean is," Baekhyun mutters, and he thinks that this is harder than he thought, "She already had lots of toys, and I don't want her to grow up spoiled. I appreciate that you give gifts to her, but I'm hoping this would be the last time..."
"Is this only about the toys?" Chanyeol asks, eyes deep that has Baekhyun's guards melting down for a second. "Or do you also want me... to stop?"
"Look." Baekhyun stands, sighing under his breath. "How many times do I have to tell you that I have--"
"I don't care," Chanyeol cuts off, seriously looking at Baekhyun in the eyes. "I am willing to accept all of you because everything about you is a part of you, so I am not giving you up." He steps closer to the smaller male. "I won't stop." He looks at his eyes directly. "Because I love you so much."
"I-I know, but," Baekhyun looks at the opened door towards the living room, hearing his daughter's giggles accompanied by the background music of the cartoon she is currently watching. "But I can't. I just. I can't."
"But why?"
Why? Baekhyun is also asking himself that three-letter question every now and then. Why is he restraining himself, what is the reason why he can't....be with Chanyeol? Is his daughter the reason, or he himself?
"If you're thinking about being a burden to me then that's not true. You know it's not a problem. I can give everything you and your daughter could ask for without anything in exchange.." Chanyeol mutters, "except for your answer that I am longing for."
"I can't answer you right now," Baekhyun says, feeling a pinch on the wells of his heart. "I'm sorry.."
Smiling sadly, Chanyeol nods. "If you're not yet ready, I understand. And I will be waiting even if it takes me forever."

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