Title: Baekhyun's Endgame Part 1
Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun,
Other Pairings: Sehun/Baekhyun, Jongin/Baekhyun, Yixing/Baekhyun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Reverse Harem, Comedy, Fluff, High School!au
Word count: 8.4k wordsSummary: Boys and girls, everybody just loves Byun Baekhyun. But someone has already stolen Baekhyun's heart and he might be the guy at the rooftop.
Notes: Congratulations to us chanbaekists for the Chanbaek selca we've waited for 3 years and 5 months to happen again! Now as a celebration, this fic is for you! Warning: This must be full of crack because I literally wrote this two-shot without thinking of any plot. Clichè anime moments ahead, but I know you all love it anyway!
The sound of the bell from the bicycle outside makes Baekhyun hurry up on wearing his uniform. Swishing the curtain of his window, he sees his best friend greeting him with a bright smile. He skips around his room and grabs his bag, a toast stuck in his mouth which he eats on a rush. His mother hollers at him, reminding him again to wake up early every morning. He answers with an energetic, 'I'm leaving!' which his mother replies with a wave.
"Good morning, Baekhyun."
"Good morning, Yixing hyung!"
Yixing smiles at him. "Get on."
"Sorry to keep you waiting! I overslept again," Baekhyun laughs and mounts the bike. He wraps his arms tightly around the older's waist as they leave.
"I figured. Did you finish our assignment for today?"
"Nope! It was too hard for me to understand..."
"I'll let you copy mine."
"But you always let me copy your assignment ever since we met in first grade."
"Well, we've known each other for ten years now so it's fine."
Yixing swerves when they pass by the curve, pedaling along the road where an old woman sweeping in front of a store greets them good morning. Baekhyun greets her back lively.
"Just because you treat me like I'm your real little brother doesn't mean you can always spoil me."
"I treat you more than that," Yixing mumbles to himself.
Baekhyun leans closer. "What did you say?"
"Nothing. I just said to hold on tighter. We're going faster."
At the mention of that, Baekhyun clutches Yixing's uniform as he hugs him from behind. A little smile makes its way into Yixing's mouth, proving that it really is indeed a good morning today.
"Oh, it's him," Baekhyun says, having a glimpse of a tall lanky blonde kid walking alone by the side walk. "Hey, Sehun! Good morning!"
Hearing that chirpy voice, Sehun turns around and sees his neighbor grinning at him. Eyes widening and cheeks flushing, he immediately runs fast without even greeting him back. He almost trips on a rock as he dashes away.
"He ran away," Baekhyun mutters sadly. "I hope he's fine."
"He always does that like a creep everytime he sees you," Yixing comments. "But he'd follow you like a stalker at school, though."
"He's not a creep! Maybe he's just shy. I'm his upperclassman after all."
EXO OTP's One Shots Collection ⭐
Fanfiction|ONGOING| A One Shot Collection ONLY FOR EXO's Precious OTP's (MOSTLY CHANBAEK) #41 in Fanfiction - 180225 #46 in Fanfiction - 180222 #50 in Fanfiction - 170504 1 Million reads - 170913 * Date Created: January 20, 2015 Date Finished: - Copyright © 2...