Page 6: Lasagna and Turnovers:

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*Later that Evening*

"This is really delicious lasagna, isn't it, Owen?" Kurt asked while he sat opposite his son at Regina's dining table.

"Not really..." Owen mumbled, just playing with his food.

The three of them went quiet when Kurt and Regina looked at him. "Owen," Kurt warned when Owen put his fork down, not touching the food. "It's okay. I know I'm not the greatest cook. Unless it involves apples." Regina chuckled, wiping her hands on the napkin on her lap. "Speaking of which, how would you like to help me make turnovers for dessert? There's a bunch of apples sitting out in the sink. Why don't you go pick out some good ones?" Regina smiled when Owen got up, heading towards the kitchen, while Regina stayed at the table with Kurt.

Regina wiped her mouth with the napkin, turning to Kurt, who just started to laugh. "Owen is a bit of a free spirit. He gets it from his mom." Kurt said when he stopped laughing a bit. "Is she back in New Jersey? With the Boss..." Regina asked, making Kurt laugh a bit. "With the... She, uh... She passed away six months ago." Kurt sighed when he stopped laughing completely.

"I'm sorry." Regina apologized.

"That's why I brought him here, actually. I thought that camping, new surroundings, maybe that'd help him take his mind off things, but..." 

"I came here looking to start over, too..." Regina said when Kurt stopped talking, fearing that he was going to get choked up on his words. "It hasn't turned out quite the way I'd hoped." She sighed when Kurt looked at her.

"Why not?" He asked her.

"What good's a new life if you don't have anyone to share it with?" Regina asked him. She was finally saying the question that she had been wondering for a few days now. 

"Hey, I thought we were making dessert!" Owen yelled from the kitchen.

Kurt and Regina chuckled together when Regina got up, smiling. She made a couple of apple turnovers, showing Owen how to make them until she placed them in the oven. "Vola." Regina smiled as she stood up with Owen, taking her apron off. "So, how come you're not a mom?" Owen asked bluntly, making Regina pause for a moment. "Just didn't work out that way, I guess." She shrugged, remembering when she took a potion so she could not have children to spite her mother back in the Enchanted Forest.

"That's too bad..." Owen sighed, making Regina turn around after placing her apron on the counter. "You'd be really good at it." He smiled at her, making Regina genuinely happy.

"Thank you, Owen." 

"So, how much longer?" Owen asked, leaning on the kitchen aisle.

"Patience. They're almost done." Regina smiled when she moved to lean on the aisle with Owen. "And how are you liking Storybrooke so far?" She asked him, starting up a conversation, hoping he wanted to stay. 

"It's way better than New Jersey."

"You don't miss your home? Your friends?" Regina asked him, wondering why he was sad about his home. "I hate it there... All the kids at my school treat me weird now." Owen tried to explain when Regina sighed, feeling a little bit of what this poor boy was feeling. "Because of what happened to your mother?" She asked him since Kurt just brought it up.

Owen nodded, trying his hardest to hold back tears. He missed his mother. "Nobody gets it. It's like..." Owen tried to explain but stopped because he was scared of breaking down. "There's a piece of your heart missing?" Regina asked, knowing the feeling because she felt it with her parents. She was so mad at her mother, Cora, that she sent her through a looking glass, or as some call it, a mirror, to a strange place called Wonderland. Then, in order to cast the curse to get to Storybrooke, she had to crush the heart of her father, Henry, killing him in order to get her revenge and her happiness. Regina gave Owen a smile, placing her hand on his arm, giving him a reassuring gesture to let him know that it was okay.

"How's dessert coming?"

Regina stood up when she turned to see Kurt walking in. "Great. Owen and I were just talking, and I know this might sound crazy, but how would you two feel about sticking around town a little longer?" Regina asked, making Kurt furrow his brows, looking at Owen. "Uh, "Stick around?" As in?" He asked her, looking at Regina. 

"Move here." Regina smiled when she looked between Owen and Kurt. "I can get you a job with the city, and there's a great school for Owen." Regina smiled, wrapping her arm around Owen, who looked so happy with the idea.

"Please, Dad. Can we?" Owen begged when Kurt sighed, knowing that that was not possible. Something told him that his life was not in Storybrooke. Like something was stopping him, like a thorn in his side.

"It can be a chance for a new start."

"Look..." Kurt sighed, walking over to lean his hand on the stool in the aisle. "I appreciate everything you've done for us, but our life is in New Jersey. It's not here." Kurt sighed, making Regina's smile turn into a serious look. She was trying to hold back her upset feeling.

"Of course..." She sighed to herself, looking down at Owen.

~season 2, episode 17: "Welcome to Storybrooke"~

~895 words~

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