Page 31: Regina and Dream's Missing:

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Emma and David charged into Regina's office, with their pistols, but the office was empty. "It's okay. She's not here." Emma said, when Mary Margaret led Henry into the office, while David and Emma put their guns away. "When you find her, you're not gonna hurt her, are you?" Henry asked, sounding really worried as he looked at his family. "No. We just want the beans she stole from us..." Emma said to her son, walking over to the security pad.

"Have you gotten ahold of Dream yet? She's not picking up." David said, looking at his phone again. 

"I don't get it. Why would Regina leave her office unlocked?" Mary Margaret asked as Henry walked up to the tank where Regina kept the beans. "Especially when she's keeping the beans here," David said, walking over to the tank with Henry. "Was keeping them here. They're gone!" Mary Margaret sighed when she walked over with them.

"Something's not right. Regina would never leave evidence like this behind." Emma said, looking over at her parents and Henry.

"Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrooke, which is why we can't get ahold of Dream. She probably took her with her." David said, looking at Emma. "Without Henry? I don't think so..." Emma said, when Henry turned to look at her. 

"What if something bad happened to her? And Dream?" Henry asked, when David and Mary Margaret sighed to look at him.

"Security system says the last time someone was in the office was around six o'clock this morning. They used an override code to get in." Emma said, when David turned to look around the room again. "Why would Regina need an override code on her own alarm?" David asked, when Emma walked away from the security pad.

"She wouldn't..." Emma said, when she saw a cellphone by the table. 

"You think someone else broke in and took the beans?" Mary Margaret asked her daughter, moving with Henry to stand with David. "Well, we haven't found Regina anywhere and haven't heard from her. And why would Dream leave her phone on the ground with her mom's number pulled up?" Emma asked, bending down as she grabbed the phone, seeing Regina's number pulled up.

"So... something bad did happen to them?" Henry asked them.

"We're gonna find them, Henry. I promise." Emma said, while Henry looked down at the thought of his sister and mom in danger. 

"There's only one person who could overpower Regina... And possibly, Dream." Mary Margaret started to say, looking at Emma. "Gold." David spoke up.

"He's too busy with his new/old girlfriend... No, this wasn't Gold. He would never put Dream in harm's way... This was Tamara." Emma said, making Mary Margaret sigh at her daughter. "Haven't you already gone down that road?" Mary Margaret asked her. "Maybe not far enough." Emma fought, still defending her hunch that she knew she was right about.

"Or maybe it's time for you to let it go?" Mary Margaret suggested, when Emma just kept looking annoyed.

"August was attacked the day Tamara came to town. I don't think that was a coincidence--"

"What if you're wrong? If Regina and Dream are in trouble, we can't just drop everything else because of a hunch." David said, making Emma get frustrated that they were not listening to her. "Which is why we're not gonna drop everything else. Go to Gold. I'm sure he has some kind of magic that can help locate Regina and Dream." Emma said as Mary Margaret nodded. "Where are you going?" Mary Margaret asked Emma, who sighed.

"Back to Tamara's room." Emma said, when they split up to find Regina and Dream.

*Storybrooke Cannery Co.*

Tamara walked into the room with Greg, while they looked through a window, seeing Hook strapping Regina to a table. "Did you get into her office?" Greg asked, making Tamara look at him. "Have I ever let you down? Look what I found." Tamara said, pulling out a pod, opening it up to show two clear, magic beans. "Are these what I think they are?" Greg asked, when Tamara took one of them out.

"Magic beans... Neal told me all about them. They open portals." Tamara said, looking at the bean in amazement. "I bet he told you a lot, huh?" Greg asked, raising his brow, making Tamara sigh at his question.

"Don't be jealous. As soon as we're done, this is coming off." Tamara said, raising her hand that had the small engagement ring that Neal gave her.

"Yeah, well, you can have this one instead." Greg said, handing Tamara the pouch with the trigger in it. "What is that?" Tamara asked, looking at the trigger. "I don't know. Regina had it on her." Greg shrugged, while he moved to the machine that he planned on using on Regina.

"I'll send it back with the rest of the data... I think the home office is gonna have a field day with everything we've collected so far." Tamara smiled, putting the trigger back into the pouch. 

"I still have one more thing that I have to do." Greg said, when he started to push the cart with the machine on it towards the door that lead into the room with Hook, Regina, and Dream. "Make it quick. We'll be getting our instructions soon." Tamara said, not being sure about Greg's second mission. "Oh, this isn't gonna take long." Greg reassured her.

~season 2, episode 21: "Second Star to the Right"~

~901 words~

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