Page 8: Getting Rid of Magic:

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Present day.

After talking to Neal when Emma brought him to the diner, Henry took Neal's "advice" on destroying magic. But that was not what Neal meant. Neal was just trying to get Henry to agree to go to New York until Regina was stopped. Henry was running in the woods when he bumped into something, making him fall to the ground. 

"Whoa!" The guy, Henry bumped into, said before moving to help Henry back up. "Hey, kid, you all right?" The guy asked him. 

The guy was Greg Mendel, who hit Hook at the town line.

"Yeah..." Henry said when he took Greg's hands to get up from the dirt ground.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself, huh?" Greg asked when Henry looked out of breath and nervous. 

"Boy Scout... Trying to get a merit badge." Henry lied, coming up with the most logical excuse to tell the man. 

Greg crossed his arms, not believing Henry's lie. 

"What are you doing out here?" Henry asked, diverting the attention from his lie.

"I'm hiking... And I'm taking pictures of Maine's scenic beauty," The guy said when Henry nodded.

"The hiking trail's that way... My older sister liked to mark the trail with rocks that had pink paint on them to make sure that she never got lost." Henry said when Greg nodded, looking over to where Henry was pointing. 

"Okay. Thanks. Um... Pink-painted rocks? Okay..." Greg nodded when he saw Henry's backpack was by his side when he bent down to pick it up. He took a quick picture of two phone numbers on the tag. One was Regina, who was labeled as "Mother." And the second one was Dream, labeled as "Big Sister." "Huh... Is it Henry?" Greg asked, reaching Henry the bag. 

Henry did not answer as he looked at the man, unsure who he was. 

"Well, good luck with your merit badge," Greg said, heading towards the hiking trail while Henry continued to the path to the well, where Gold brought the magic when the curse was broken.

Meanwhile, David, Ruby, Emma, and Neal searched around town for Henry. They first went to the mines, where the fairy dust was found. 

"Henry?" David called, shining a light down the mineshaft. 

"Henry!" Emma shouted while Ruby tried to find his smell with her wolf senses.

"Down here... He was in here." Ruby sighed when she kept following the smell, but she could not see Henry. 

"Why would an eleven-year-old kid run away to the mines?" Neal asked, looking at the other three. 

"Wouldn't be the first time... Just wish Dream would pick up. She's always good at finding him." Emma sighed when she glanced at her phone, but Dream was not picking up her calls.

"I think I know what he was looking for," David said, rushing over to the trunk of dynamite. "The dynamite the dwarfs use for blasting," David said, opening up the chest, seeing that the lock was not on it. 

"What would he want dynamite for?" Emma asked when David sighed, seeing that some of the dynamite was missing.

"To get rid of magic..." Neal spoke up, scoffing to himself.

"Wait, what?" Emma asked as they all looked at Neal. 

"At the diner, he said someone should get rid of magic." Neal briefly explained to them. 

"What, so he's gonna blow it up?" Ruby asked when the four adults were really confused.

"But where would he even go to do that?" Neal asked them, not familiar with this town.

Yet, while they were trying to figure out where Henry went, Henry made his way to the well, taking the dynamite out of his bag. He hesitated for a moment before setting it on the stone wall of the well.

~season 2, episode 17: "Welcome to Storybrooke"~

~623 words~

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