Page 72: What Did Regina Do?

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*The Enchanted Forest*

*Many Years Ago*

"You really think this will make me happy?" Regina asked as she was leaving the tavern with Tinker Bell.

"I know it will." She smiled but looked nervous when she heard the bell ring. "I'm late. I have to go." She said when she let her wings come back out, holding her green wand. "See you soon!" She smiled while returning to her tiny fairy form before flying away.

*Present Day*


The group continued to trek their way to Tinker Bell's hunt. Dream started walking with her mother again while the others continued to walk ahead. Dream turned around when she saw Regina stop for a moment since her feet were killing her in her sensible-heeled boots.

"Hey..." Dream said, making Regina look at her.

"Hey," Regina said in a questioning tone, looking at her daughter. "You're falling behind, Mom... Hook thinks her place is right up ahead. Come on." Dream said when she walked closer to her mom. "If she still lives there, honey. You go waste your time searching, and I'll wait." Regina said, sighing, as she put her hands on her back, looking around.

"What did you do to her?" Dream asked, sounding harsher than she intended, making Regina look at her, hurt.

"What? Why would you assume I did something?" Regina asked, sounding hurt while crossing her arms over her chest.

"You met her before, right? In the Enchanted Forest? What did you do? Kill her brother or lover? Steal her wings? Steal her halo or something?" Dream asked, sighing when she did not want to be harsh with her mom, but she knew the stories she had heard. "She's not an angel, Dream." Regina scoffed when she watched the concerned look on her daughter's face. "Okay... We have a complicated history." Regina sighed when Dream looked down.

"I knew it..." Dream sighed when Regina sighed, feeling like she had let her daughter down. "That's why I had to be the water fairy from the movie... And why you let me be Wendy Darling, and never Tinker Bell, when I played dress up with Henry..." Dream said, looking up at her mother.

"Honey, you don't need to know the details... But if she sees me or knows that you're my daughter, she won't help. And if she is the way in, well, then, trust me, my staying out of her sight is probably best for Operation Henry." Regina sighed, sitting down on the nearby log, when Dream sighed, moving to sit next to her. "He'd have a better name." Dream chuckled, making her mother smile. "Yeah, he would... But it's the best we can do." Regina shrugged, when she patted Dream's thigh.

"Okay... Well, I'll go with the others, and we'll get her, and then come get you." Dream smiled, looking at her mother, who nodded. "No, don't bother, sweetie. It's better if we never see one another. And if you don't find her, keep going. Just get Henry. Don't worry about Tinker Bell." Regina said, moving a piece of Dream's hair out of her face. "What did you do to her, Mom?" Dream asked, when Regina sighed, moving to hold onto her hand. 

"What I always do, honey... What I always do." Regina sighed, before looking to see Emma and Mary Margaret who came back to make sure that they catch up. "Keep her with you... And if anything happens--" Regina went to say to Mary Margaret and Emma.

"I think they get it, Mom..." Dream said, before hugging Regina, then going back with the others to find Tinker Bell.

~season 3, episode 3: "Quite a Common Fairy"~

~595 words~

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