Page 65: Lost Girl:

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Back at the camp, David was handing his pack on the branches that were holding up his tent with Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret walked over quietly, checking David where the arrow went by. "You sure you don't want me to take a look at that?" Mary Margaret asked her husband when David looked at her, turning after he had hung up his pack. "I was lucky. My jacket wasn't. Don't worry about it. I think we have bigger issues." David sighed when he looked over to Dream, who was trying not to cry, while she looked at the map.

Dream felt so overwhelmed. Her head was pounding as she suddenly heard the whole group's thoughts. She felt like screaming if it would relieve some of the stress that she felt. But she kept it all bottled up while she just kept looking at the map. 

"Hey... Don't let him shake your confidence." Mary Margaret said, walking over to Dream with David. "We've all had moments where we thought we couldn't prevail." She continued, kneeling in front of Dream, who sat on the rock again.

"Yeah, she's right, Dream," David said, giving her a small smile, kneeling in front of her as well.

"Thank you... But, um... I just need some space to think. I don't know why, but, uh, I think I can hear everyone's thoughts. And it's getting hard to concentrate on my own." Dream confessed, looking up at the Charmings. Dream just looked back down when Mary Margaret gave David a look. He nodded at his wife, walking away from them. "Hey... You know that you can talk to me. I know I'm not your mom, but we are family." Mary Margaret gave her a smile, sitting on the rock with Dream. 

"Yeah, I know... You're Henry's grandmother." Dream said, shrugging while she continued to look down.

"I'm also your step-sister, technically..." Mary Margaret said with a small chuckle. Dream looked up at her, sighing, when her family tree just kept getting weirder. "And I was also there while you were growing up. I know that you either ramble or bottle up your feelings until you explode." Mary Margaret said when she moved to rub Dream's back. 

David leaned by a tree, watching the two. Which Regina and Emma also noticed. Emma moved over to her father, feeling a bit of jealousy. Hook just furrowed his brows, standing a little bit away. While Regina watched Mary Margaret, feeling frustrated.

"We had our chance, and we lost. Because of me... I lost." Dream sighed, looking back down at the map.

"Then we have to keep fighting." Mary Margaret said, trying to reassure the girl.

"You heard what Hook said. Pan is a demon." Emma spoke up, making everyone look at her.

"And you are a--" Mary Margaret went to say.

"What? A Savior?" Emma asked, interrupting her mother. "Or, in Dream's case, a Dreamer?" Emma continued to rant. "Because if that were true, this map would have shown us the way already. She's a kid. She can't do it." Emma scoffed when Dream stood up, getting frustrated by Emma's comment.

"I'm not a kid!" Dream scoffed at her. "I'm almost twenty... Just eight years younger than you! And we all want the same thing. To get Henry back!" Dream continued.

"Okay, girls..." Mary Margaret sighed, looking between them. "Dream, maybe who you think you are isn't who you really are." Mary Margaret said when she was trying to figure out why the map was not working.

"What do you mean, Mary Margaret?" Emma asked her mother, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sometimes we think we know ourselves, but we need a push to show us the reality. That boy with the knife. You stopped fighting him... Why?" Mary Margaret said, asking Dream what Regina had told the others. "Because he was just a boy..." Dream shrugged, looking at the others. "No... There was something else. I see it in your eyes. Why did you stop? Why?" Mary Margaret continued to ask when Regina scoffed to herself.

"Okay... That's enough." Regina said when she saw Dream look down, tears running down her cheeks. 

"Because... um... B-Because when I somehow heard his thoughts, all he wanted to do was go home." Dream sighed, when she tried not to cry. "H-He wanted to be with his family. And never knew if he was going to see them again, or if they were even alive... And, uh, the look on his face. I've felt that feeling before. When ever I wondered if I could have met Daniel, when I thought he was my dad. And when I fell through that portal to the Enchanted Forest. And I've always felt that same feeling when Henry would ask about why his parents did not want him. And then, when Graham d-died... And now, Neal... I just... I-I just feel like I never know who is going to leave me. And I feel lost and helpless. And especially, on this island, I don't feel like a hero. I feel like it's all my fault that he's gone. That I'm nothing more than some girl from Storybrooke, who just lives in this crazy town." Dream confessed, trying not to cry, while Regina moved to hug her daughter, sad to see her cry.

"Dream..." Regina said, when she pulled away, while Dream wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"What?" Dream asked her mother, before seeing everyone staring at the parchment that had turned into a map. "You accepted who you are..." Mary Margaret smiled at her. "And who is that?" Dream asked, confused, since she just ranted.

"You are a "Lost Girl."" Emma said, when Dream looked up at her.

"A Lost Girl?"

~season 3, episode 2: "Lost Girl"~

~944 words~

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