Page 64: Fighting the Lost Boys:

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The group looked around them. They were surrounded. They were stuck in a circle, like the Avengers in the first Avengers movie. Everyone held onto their weapons. Mary Margaret held out her bow, loading an arrow from her quiver. Dream handed her sword to Emma while David and Hook held out their swords. Regina was ready to use her magic, while Dream was in the middle of the circle, ready to use magic if needed.

"Watch out for their arrows; they're laced with dreamshade." Hook said to the group before the Lost Boys shot their arrows toward the group.

Once the arrows were flying their way, Hook moved Dream behind him. Dream kept watching for Pan while Hook fought the Lost Boys off, protecting her from the arrows. "Mary Margaret!" David yelled, moving in front of his wife when an arrow was flying her way. "Oh!" He winced when he moved to check where the arrow had cut his shirt.

"David..." Mary Margaret exclaimed in fear.

"I'm good." He smiled at her. "Behind you!" He yelled, making her turn to a Lost Boy who was about to shoot an arrow their way. Meanwhile, Regina was using her magic to stop the boys from going anywhere close to her.

"Hook!" Dream exclaimed when Hook turned to stop Felix, Pan's "right-hand man," from striking his sword at Dream. 

"It's been a while, Captain," Felix said to Hook, who kept Dream behind him while she used a fireball to keep two Lost Boys away from her and Hook. She did not aim at them, but she did get close to them. "Not long enough." Hook scoffed before the two started sword fighting when Dream moved away, hiding by the nearest tree. She did not want to fight any of the Lost Boys, but she wanted to see if she could get into Pan's head.

Hook stopped Felix once he saw that Dream was not around anymore. He used his hook to stop Felix's sword. "Do you remember what I did to Rufio? Well, it's a far worse fate for you." Hook threatened him.

Dream leaned up against a tree, hiding, while she kept glancing to see Pan. She moved her gaze to watch Emma fighting back Lost Boys. "Emma!" Dream called out when she went to help Emma, but a Lost Boy grabbed her arm. When she tried to push him off of her, they ended up rolling over the hill. Dream got the upper hand, pinning the boy onto the ground. 

"Where's Henry? Where is he?" Dream asked him frantically while her eyes glowed.

Suddenly, she could see his thoughts and memories. He missed his family. And he has not seen them in years. Her eyes started to go back to normal when she noticed the look in his eyes. He was never going to go home or ever see his family again. The boy did not say anything as Dream moved to let him go, just staring at him because she felt guilty. She felt that way when she fell into the hat portal.

The boy got up, going back up the hill, when Hook and Regina rushed over to Dream, seeing her look worried. "Dream! Honey, are you alright/" Regina asked, stopping when she saw Dream kneeling on the ground. Dream looked upset and terrified. Dream did not say anything while looking back at the boy. 

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Dream whispered to the boy, who did not give her any reaction.

Hook moved to help Dream stand when Pan whistled, gaining the attention of everyone. The Lost Boys retreated back to Pan while Pan was looking at Dream. "Remember what I told you, Dream. That map will show you where Henry is only when you stop denying who you really are." Pan said, walking closer to Dream while Hook and Regina kept her back. "I'll make sure to send Henry your regards," Pan smirked before he and his Lost Boys retreated back into the Dark Jungle, leaving the others.

Dream looked around, making sure all of the Lost Boys went with Pan. She let out a breath that she did not know that she held in. "We better get back to the camp..." She said, dusting off her pants when she started to walk back the way that they came. The others stayed still, looking at each other. They all noticed that she was uneasy and worried about her.

~season 3, episode 2: "Lost Girl"~

~736 words~

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