Page 12: Nightmares and Trying to Move On:

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A few days passed when Regina frantically woke up to the sound of Dream screaming in her sleep. "Dream! Dreamy, honey!" Regina said, rushing to Dream's side, trying to wake her up. "Dreamy?" Regina said when she lightly shook Dream, who rose up, sweat on her forehead when Regina rubbed her back.

"I woke you up again, didn't I?" Dream sighed when she moved to sit up, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

"I don't care about that, honey..." Regina said, getting up to head to Dream's bathroom to get a wet, cold rag to wipe Dream's face off. "You want to talk about it? Your nightmare?" Regina asked in a calm voice, walking back over to sit on the bed when Dream moved to grab the glass of water that she had on her nightstand.

"It's the same as it has been..." Dream sighed, pausing to take a sip of her water, while Regina moved to wipe her forehead, being careful of the small scar on Dream's head. "I feel frozen... A dark black cloud surrounds me as I hear you crying out for me. I can't see Henry, but all I hear is screaming, like an animal or something..." Dream sighed when she looked down at the bracelet that Cora had enchanted, along with the bracelet that Hook gave her in Anton's treasure room.

"Well, Mommy promises that you will not have to worry about anything. I will never let anything happen to you." Regina smiled when she moved Dream's hair out of her face. Dream did not say anything when she moved, hugging her mom.

That morning, David put three snowbells into a little vase on the tray with breakfast for his wife. He picked up the tray, looking at Mary Margaret, who was hiding under the blankets in the bed. "Breakfast in bed? Seriously?" David turned to see Emma walking from upstairs. "What happened has been really hard on Mary Margaret. The least we can do is make sure she's eating..." David said, in a hushed tone, walking closer to his daughter. "I think it's time to give the hot cocoa and foot massages a rest. It's time to haul her out of bed and get her to move past this." Emma said, in a little louder tone than David was using.

David set the tray on the kitchen aisle, looking at Emma. "That's a little harsh, don't you think? She took Cora's life." David said to Emma, not knowing that Mary Margaret was listening to them.

"Is everything okay?" Henry asked, walking down the stairs to look at his mother and grandfather. "Everything's fine, kid. Get your coat; we're gonna be late." Emma said when Henry walked down the stairs to the coat rack. "Bye, Gramps," Henry said, opening the door up.

"I know you think that she needs our help... But at the end of the day, she's the only one who can help herself." Emma said quietly to her father while putting her coat on. "Now... I have to go drop Henry off for his father bonding time, along with his adoptive sister/biological aunt, who is also trying to bond with her older half-brother..." Emma said, sighing to herself when she just shook her head at the thought.

Emma closed the door behind her and Henry when David sighed, making sure it shut all the way. "Good morning." David turned to see Mary Margaret up and in the kitchen part. "Hey. Morning..." David said to her, trying not to sound surprised. "I made you some eggs. But if you're craving something else, we can go to Granny's... Unless you have other plans?" David said, moving back to the other side of the aisle while he watched Mary Margaret packing a bag with some food.

"I thought I'd head out to the woods, actually. I need to think things through." Mary Margaret said, looking down at her bag.

"Let me come with you."

"David..." Mary Margaret sighed, looking up at him. "I need to do this alone." She said, knowing that she had not told him about what happened with Regina. "And you have things to do... I know you've been looking forward to working in the bean fields." Mary Margaret said, trying to get him not to worry about her.

"Yeah... Yeah, Anton says we might have a crop soon. And once we do, we can go home. And none of what happened will matter. It will all be in the past--"

"I used Regina to kill her own mother... In front of her daughter... Dream. I don't think going back will erase that." Mary Margaret sighed when David sighed, shaking his head. "Mary Margaret..." He tried to say to her. "Please. Give me time." Mary Margaret begged, hoping that he would listen.

~season 2, episode 18: "Selfless, Brave, and True"~

~799 words~

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