Page 85: Captain Swan's Kiss:

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After a few minutes, Emma moved out of sight of the others when Hook stayed around her, watching Dream hug David. It was good that she had a good father figure after the trouble of an actual father that she had. "Did you really save his life?" Emma spoke up, making him look away from Dream.

"That surprise you?" Hook asked, raising his brow at her.

"Well, you and David aren't exactly; how do you say it, "mates"?" Emma mocked his accent, handing him his flask back. "It doesn't mean I'd leave your father to perish on this island." Hook said, glancing over to the others.

"Thank you," Emma said, giving him a small smile.

"Perhaps gratitude is in order now." Hook smirked at her. "Yeah. That's what the "thank you" was for." Emma chuckled at him. "Is that all your father's life is worth to you?" Hook smirked, raising his brow at her.

"Please. You couldn't handle it." Emma chuckled when she felt a small urge to kiss him.

"Perhaps you're the one who couldn't handle it." He continued to smirk until Emma grabbed his collar, pulling him into a kiss. As soon as she kissed him, he realized the answer that he did not even know he was asking for. It was his decision between Emma and Dream. Dream was the one he felt the passion with. He did not feel what he thought he would when he kissed Emma. He wanted to kiss Dream, not Emma. He pulled away, first, realizing what he had done.

"That was..." Emma started to say, but he stopped her.

"A one-time thing." He said, making her back away, regretting her decision when it broke her heart a bit. "Don't follow me. Wait five minutes. Go get some firewood or something." Emma said, walking away from him. She was hurt.

"As you wish." Hook sighed, not wanting to hurt Emma. Hook sighed to himself, looking over to see Dream smiling as she explained to David what had happened, vaguely letting out the real part of what happened.

*Many, Many Years Ago*

*On the High Seas*

The crew tossed Liam's body into the ocean while Killian stood on the platform in the middle of them. "This belongs to you now. Captain." One of the crew said, reaching Killian Liam's satchel with the sextant in it. Killian took it, looking down at the insignia. "You'll never leave my side, brother," Killian whispered to the satchel before looking up at his crew. "We are sworn to serve the King and the realm," Killian said, handing the satchel to one of the crew when he took a torch instead. "They sent us to retrieve an unthinkable poison. One that killed our dear captain." Killian moved to hold onto the ropes of the sails, looking at his crew. "Never again shall anyone set sail to that cursed land..." He continued as he set fire to the pegasus sail. He threw the torch into the water while the sail burned into ash. "And never again shall we take such orders. Serving the King, fighting his wars? That is the way of dishonor. And all you who disagree, flee now or walk the bloody plank. But those who stay will be free men, and I will be your captain. We'll sail under the crimson flag, and we'll give our enemies no quarter. We'll take what we please, and we'll live by our rules. For that is the best form of all. Our kingdom is corrupt and immoral. They took my brother from me. And now I'm going to take everything they've got, starting with this ship." Killian said as his crew cheered.

He moved back to the platform with the support of his crew. "Bring the paint from below." He ordered. "Sir?" One of the crewmates asked him. "It's time we rename this vessel. We no longer sail as the Jewel of the Realm. We now sail as the Jolly Roger." Killian said, taking off his Navy jacket. "When they come for us, I want them to know exactly what we are. Pirates!" Killian yelled as he threw his jacket into the ocean. "For, at least among thieves, there is honor!" He continued to say to his crew.

"Long live Captain Jones!" The crew yelled, cheering him. "Captain Jones! Captain Jones!" The crew continued to chant while Killian was only mourning his brother.

*Present Day*


Hook waited to himself, thinking as he drank his flask. "You're out here alone?" Dream asked, walking over to Hook, who kept looking down at his flask. "You okay?" Dream asked when Hook moved to stand up.

"I'm fine, love... Nothing to worry about." Hook lied when he kept thinking about what Emma's kiss meant for him.

"Nothing? Are you sure?" Dream smirked when she walked closer to him, placing her hands on his chest. Hook smirked when he was not sure what she was doing, but he saw her look up at him with a smirk. "Aye... And what are you doing out here?" He asked when she continued to smirk.

"Looking for you..." Dream smirked at him when he raised his brow smirking.

"Aye... Well, you found me." He smirked when he leaned down to kiss her when she moved to kiss him back. Once their lips touched, Dream pulled away, gasping, when Hook moved to hold onto her. When she recovered from her vision, she scoffed to herself, moving from Hook's grasp. "What's wrong, love?" Hook asked, concern laced in his tone, when she stepped back from him, hiding the tears coming to the surface.

"N-Nothing... I think I'm going to go back to the camp." Dream said, turning to walk back to the camp, but Hook stopped her, knowing she saw something that upset her.

"Is it about the lad? About Henry?" He asked her, making her wipe the tears falling down her cheek while her back was turned to him. "What?" Dream asked, turning when he saw how upset she was. "Your vision? You saw something like you always do... What is it, love?" He asked, moving to caress her cheek to wipe the tears.

"You kissed Emma."

"Love, let me--" Hook said, trying to explain himself, but Dream just shook her head. "No. No... It's fine. We can't think about that. We need to find Henry." Dream said, turning to leave, when Hook sighed, watching her walk away. He scoffed, sitting back down in defeat before he heard Pan clear his throat, who appeared next to him.

"You really should have taken my deal." Pan sighed, looking frustrated at the pirate.

"It doesn't look like I need your help with Dream after all, mate." Hook smirked at him.

"What, you think she's just going to run back into your arms after learning about the kiss with Emma?" Pan asked him with a scoff. "I think she's finally starting to see me for the man I am. That kiss was a mistake... She'll see that." Hook smirked, making Pan chuckle.

"What? You mean a one-handed pirate with a drinking problem? Or her father's nemesis?" Pan chuckled, making Hook scoff. "I'm no grown-up, but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing." He continued.

"A man of honor." Hook said, looking down as he put his flask back in his satchel.

"So, tell me, what would a man of honor like yourself do with a big, fat secret?" Pan asked, kneeling down to look at Hook.

"Well, that depends on what the secret is."

"Baelfire," Pan smirked, making Hook look at him confused. "Neal. Whatever name he goes by these days. The guy Emma loves. Henry's father. Dream's big brother." Pan continued as he stood up, followed by Hook standing up. "What of him? He's dead." Hook asked, only making Pan smirk at him. "No, I'm afraid not. He's alive. That's not even the best part. He's in Neverland." Pan smirked, walking towards the path and looking at Hook.

"He's here?" Hook asked him, looking at the man in shock.

"Oh, yes. Can you believe it? I'm sure Dream would love to know that her brother is still alive. But I'd hate for her family to get in the way of a budding romance. So, I'll leave it up to you. To tell her or not." Pan smirked, heading to leave before smirking at Hook. "Let's see what kind of man you really are." He smirked before disappearing. Hook sighed to himself. If Neal was alive, he would try to stop any chance Hook had with Dream. What was he going to do? She already hated him after learning about his kiss with Emma.

~season 3, episode 5: "Good Form"~

~1428 words~

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