Page 40: Telling the News to Henry and Gold:

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Granny sat on a park bench with her crossbow, watching over Henry while he swung on the rope swing. Granny got up from the bench, glancing over to Gold, who had walked over, keeping his distance from Henry. He watched Granny sit back down while he watched Henry swing close to some sharp rocks. Gold subtly turned his cane in his hand when the rope started to rip from the top of the swing set. Henry continued to swing, unaware of the rope about to break, when Gold stopped, shaking out of his trance when he heard a car door shut. He looked over, seeing the Charmings. 

"Gold?" David said, sounding confused to see Gold when he stopped himself from going over to Henry. "What are you doing here?" David asked him when they walked over to him.

"Well, my son made it clear I'm to stay away from him, so I'm spending some time with my grandson instead." Gold said while they looked over to Henry and Granny.

"Emma, if it's okay, why don't you go talk to Henry? We'll handle this." Mary Margaret said when Emma walked over to sit on the bench and tell Henry the news, while David and Mary Margaret stayed to tell Gold. "Mr. Gold, we have some news we need to share with you... and it's not good." Mary Margaret said, looking at Gold, who watched Emma walk over to Henry. 

"Not interested." Gold said to them.

"It's about your son," David said when Gold took a step forward.

"Yeah? What about him? I thought your concern was finding my missing daughter..." Gold said, watching Emma comforting Henry while she told him the news. 

"Tamara shot him." David sighed when Gold turned to look at the Charmings. 

"What? He's dead?" Gold asked, holding back his emotions. 

"They used a bean to open a portal. Neal was hurt so badly; he fell through..." David explained when Gold gasped, not wanting to believe that his son had died. "He's gone..." David added, trying to be sympathetic to Gold. 

Meanwhile, Henry hugged his mother, crying over his dad, who he had just met. 

"Bae wasn't supposed to die," Gold said, his voice breaking from him, almost crying.

"Greg and Tamara... they took something from Regina. A magical trigger, a fail-safe in the curse that can destroy Storybrooke." David explained to Gold. 

"If they activate it, it's a self-destruct; everyone not born in this world will die." Mary Margaret added when Gold tried his hardest not to cry. 

"I know this is hard, but we need your help." David continued to say when Gold shook his head.

"No," Gold said, going to walk back to his car.

"They killed your son in cold blood and tried to torture your daughter, and you don't want to stop them?" David asked, making Gold stop to look at him. 

"They didn't kill my son! Or torture my daughter! I did..." Gold started to cry when he could not hold his emotions anymore. "I brought magic to this world to find Bae... And now he's dead. Magic always has a price, and this is it. But I'm prepared to pay it before I lose my daughter, too." Gold said when he started to leave again.

"But we'll die. You'll die." Mary Margaret said, trying to get Hook's help.

"Yeah, I've made my peace with that... Like you said, everyone who was born in this world will live. My daughter will live." Gold said, walking to his car when Mary Margaret and David looked at each other, concerned.

~season 2, episode 21: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~596 words~

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