Page 68: Getting Lost:

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That night, everyone went back to sleep. David, who had said nothing to his family and the others, was cuddled up to his wife on the opposite side of the cut. Emma was asleep on the single cot near her parents. And Hook was asleep on a single cot, too. Regina had moved Dream closer to her since she worried about her daughter. 

Regina sighed when she saw Dream fast asleep. She worried that Pan was getting into her head and could not shake the weary feeling. But what Regina did not know. Pan visited Dream just an hour ago, and Dream said nothing to her.

After everyone woke up and got their energy, they set out to follow the map. Mary Margaret led the way, followed by David, who held a lantern. Then, Emma, Regina, Dream, and Hook followed them. "Hey. You need a break?" David asked his wife since they had been walking for a good while. "No, I'm good." Mary Margaret said, despite being sweaty from the jungle heat and tired from all of the walking. "In this heat, you shouldn't overtax yourself," David said, trying to express his worry for his wife, but the cut from the arrow took a little toll on him. 

"So, you need a break." Mary Margaret smirked while moving a leaf from her path.

"No... No, I'm good."

"Did David Nolan let himself go?" Mary Margaret asked, still smirking to herself. "Does it look like he let himself go?" David smirked, making his wife chuckle at his response.

"You okay?" Regina asked, looking back at Dream, who had stayed quiet during the whole journey. 

"Mmm-hmm..." Dream hummed, looking up at her mom before looking back at the map. "You sure?" Regina asked, knowing that something was up. "Yeah, Mom... I'm good." Dream said, being a little short with her mom, still looking at the map.

"How much further?" Emma asked, glancing back at Dream.

"We should be getting close to Pan's lair..." Dream said, stopping when the others stopped to look at her. "Going in a straight-line course--" Dream stopped when Hook moved the lantern so she could look at it better when she saw the red "X" that marked Pan's lair move to behind them. "H-How is it now behind us?" Dream asked, turning to look at Hook, who showed her how to read the map.

"How can that be?" Mary Margaret asked when Regina moved to look at the map with Dream.

"You got us lost..." Emma scoffed at her.

"No, she didn't." Hook said, looking over Dream's shoulder. "It's the camp. Pan's moving it." Hook said, lowering the lantern. 

"He's playing tricks on us..." David sighed, looking at the others.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we gonna find Henry?" Dream asked, looking at the others, when Regina saw the look on her daughter's face. 

"So, this whole trek's been for nothing." Emma scoffed, looking at Dream, who kept looking down at the map. "I told you walking was idiotic. If we can't just use some magic, like you all remind me I have, we can use the magic to appear in the camp, grab Henry, and leave." Emma said to the others, when David and Mary Margaret sighed, looking at their daughter. "We don't know where the camp is... Have you even been listening?" Regina scoffed, looking up at Emma, annoyed.

"Pan'll have shields against magic. I fear such an attempt would end in your death. And more importantly, mine... Which is why we're walking." Hook said, looking at Emma, who looked annoyed. Her defense was that she just wanted to find Henry and go back home. "Well, then what's your idea? How are we going to find it?" Regina asked, looking at Hook. "By using someone he trusts." Hook said, looking at everyone.

"Who?" Dream asked, looking to Hook who was still beside her.

"Because I'd guess he certainly doesn't trust you." David added, with a scoff, making Hook sigh. 

"A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be a inside source, knows all about the camp and get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left... Perhaps we could fly in." Hook explained to the group, making Emma, Regina, and Dream furrow their brows at the mention to a fairy who lives on Neverland. 

"You mean fairy dust..." Emma said in a questioning tone, looking at Hook. "No, pixie dust. It's stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust." David said, when Dream finally realized who the fairy might be.

"Wait... A fairy... Tinker Bell?" Dream asked, looking at Hook.

"Oh, you know her?" Hook asked, when Dream turned to see the look on her mom's face. Regina looked worried. "Every kid in the world knows her." Emma spoke up, before Dream could say anything. 

"It's a bad idea." Regina spoke up, making everyone look at her in confusion. "Mark my words. This Tinker Bell is not going to save us." 

~season 3, episode 3: "Quite a Common Fairy"~

~829 words~

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