Page 22: Emma's Up to Something:

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Regina walked over to the bench that was by Emma's yellow car and the docks. She was reading Henry's book at the part about her parents. "Reading up on Henry's father? Or maybe his grandfather?" Regina asked, making Emma look up at her while she sat down on the bench. "How long did you think you could keep that from me? I understand why my daughter didn't... She can be stubborn like me, after all..." Regina said when Emma sighed to herself.

"Well, I was going to tell you, but I was kind of busy trying to stop you and your mother from killing me and my entire family... along with controlling your daughter to do your bidding," Emma said, making Regina scoff a bit, rolling her eyes. 

"What is he doing here?" Regina asked, making Emma furrow her brows. 

"Neal? Relax... He just wants to spend a little time with his son... and sister." Emma said, looking back at the book.

"Funny, he didn't seem to want to spend time with him the first ten years of his life. But then again, neither did you."

"You know what, Regina? How about, instead of worrying about everyone else, you start focusing on trying to be the person Dream and Henry want you to be? Before you lose them for good." Emma said when Regina tilted her head, noticing the tone of Emma's voice. 

"For good? What does that mean?" Regina asked, making Emma sigh. 

"Nothing... Unlike you, the rest of the world isn't always scheming to get what they want." Emma said, trying to come up with an excuse so that Regina did not expect anything. But it did not work. 

"No, you're hiding something... Well, whatever it is, I can assure you of one thing. I'm going to find out." Regina said, getting up as she walked further down the docks, seeing Dream leaning on the railing as she looked out to the water. "What is so calming about this? It's cold and smells like fish." Regina asked, walking up to Dream's side.

"The water. It's so calming watching the waves hit the sides of the ships. The clouds moving in the sky, even when it's cloudy and gray." Dream said when she took a deep breath, then let it out. "Graham would put me on his shoulders and would point out the shapes in the clouds. He would always say that they looked like wolves or bunnies. He wasn't too creative with them." Dream smiled when she recalled the memories, making Regina smile at her.

"I miss him, too," Regina said, rubbing Dream's back.

"Yet, you crushed his heart..." Dream sighed when she looked at her mother. "Can you actually call that love?" Dream asked when Regina looked taken aback.

"Where is this coming from?" Regina asked, moving to cross her arms over her chest.

"I just want to know if you can call taking control of someone's heart in that way, love..." Dream sighed when Regina furrowed her brows. 

"Like Hook did to you?" Regina asked with a small scoff. 

"That's not what I meant." Dream shook her head, looking away from her mother.

"Then, tell me... You come to the docks and just watch the boats and birds? Dream... Something has been going on, and I want you to talk to me about it." Regina sighed when Dream shook her head. 

"Yeah, something has been going on... For the past two years. You lied to me for nineteen years and expect me to be fine with it. Then I fall through a portal, meet my grandmother I did not know was still alive, and I have my heart stolen several times... Not to mention these stupid powers I never asked for. But, yeah, Mom... I'm perfectly fine. Why don't you check the rose that I was born from? Because that sure sounds normal to everyone else." Dream ranted when Regina looked taken aback. 

"Dream..." Regina said when she moved her hand on Dream's arm.

"Look... I'm tired, and I haven't got sleep in a few nights. I think I'm just gonna head home." Dream sighed when she walked away from Regina, without another word. 

Dream had this anger built up, and she could not get rid of it. So, she felt awful about lashing out at her mom, but when she saw Gold and Regina's interaction earlier, she could not shake the thought away. She was their daughter. She was the daughter of two villains. 

Maybe this was just the path of fate. 

She would end up just like them... Or worse.

~season 2, episode 19: "Lacey"~

~761 words~

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