Page 88: "The Deeper the Lie, The More Truth in Its Echo:"

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"What is this? Amateur hour? Did you really believe that was Belle?" Regina asked, scoffing at Gold. 

"Why are you here? And where is our daughter?" Gold asked her, concerned because Regina and Dream always went hand-in-hand. Dream rarely left her mother's side. 

"Well, for starters, it appears I'm saving your butt. You were about to be Pan's lunch." Regina scoffed at him, not believing that he was pathetic enough to believe that it was actually Belle. "Oh, what do you care? Then you'd have our daughter for yourself..." Gold asked her, making Regina scoff to herself. "I care because I've been camping with the Charmings for a week and getting nowhere. If we're gonna get Henry, I need you. I need Rumpelstiltskin." Regina continued, making Gold sigh.

"The problem, dearie, is that Rumpelstiltskin can only stop Pan by dying." Gold scoffed at her.

"You're not gonna die at anyone's hands but my own," Regina yelled at him. "We're the two most powerful practitioners of magic who have ever lived. Who gave life to the most powerful little girl, who is stronger than anyone else. The Evil Queen and The Dark One joining forces? I'd say we can find another way to handle one smug teenager." Regina explained to him, getting in his face. 

"You've never faced him. I have. And I know what killing him requires. And that is my life." Gold scoffed at her when she did not know who Pan truly was or what the prophecy said.

"As much as I want to, maybe we don't have to kill him. If that's the case, then maybe we can find another way. Something to contain him, some other fate." Regina said, trying to suggest ideas.

"A fate worse than death?" Gold asked, making Regina smirk at him.

"Now we're talking. There's my malevolent imp. Is there a spell you know? Something we can enact?" Regina asked him, smirking to herself. 

"No, but back in my shop, I might have just the thing." Gold said, looking around them when he had an idea in mind.

"Why didn't you bring it with you in the first place?" Regina scoffed, hitting his arm. "Because I came here to kill him and die in the process." Gold scoffed, making Regina laugh. "I could've told you that wasn't going to happen. You forget, dear, I've known you a long time, way before we had a child together. I know all about your survival instincts." Regina said as he continued to pace. 

"Well, they just kicked in." Gold mumbled, loud enough for her to hear.

"Good. So, now we just need a change of plans. We need to get back to your shop and pick up this magical item, and then all of our problems are solved."

"Crossing realms? Is that all?" Gold asked her with a scoff, knowing that other than a bean, they could not travel between realms. "Yes. That's all." She said, smirking, knowing how her plan was going to work.


Mary Margaret continued when the tracks led to a cave. "The tracks lead directly into that cave. This must be where Pan is keeping Neal." Mary Margaret said as they all stopped to look at the cave. "If the cave is some sort of prison, why aren't there any guards posted to stop us?" David asked, holding his hand on his sword.

"Because this prison doesn't require guards." Hook said, moving to the front of the group. "Echo Cave..." He sighed, looking at the cave.

"You know it?" Dream asked him, finally speaking to him.

"All too well. I lost half my crew inside those rock walls." Hook said, looking at Dream, who refused to look at him, which made him sigh to himself. "The only way to rescue someone from inside is to reveal a secret." Hook continued to explain.

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