Page 45: Saving Storybrooke and Regina:

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Regina looked up while she was still slowing the device down to see Henry, Dream, and the Charmings. "What are you doing here?" Regina asked the group, looking directly at her children. "You were willing to die to save us." Dream said to her mother, holding onto Henry. "That makes you a hero," Henry added, smiling at her. "And now we're gonna be heroes." He added when Regina shook her head.

"We're gonna open a portal, throw this thing into a void," David spoke up, when the group stopped, hearing Dream cough again when David made sure that she could still stand up.

"No... You don't know that it'll work." Regina argued when she worried about Dream.

"We have to try." Mary Margaret added.

"Everybody, step aside," David said, moving Mary Margaret, Henry, and Dream to the side when Emma went to pull out the bean. "Emma?" David asked when he saw the look on Emma's face.

"It's empty..." Emma sighed, turning to look at them.

"Hook." Dream and Emma both scoffed, looking at each other.

*On the Jolly Roger*

Hook stood by the wheel of his ship when he looked at the portal bean. He continued to sail his ship out, but he looked down at the bracelet that Dream gave him, sighing to himself, but he continued out.

He paused, looking at the carvings that he made on the wheel when he taught a young Baelfire how to sail many, many years ago. He sighed when he looked at the bracelet on his wrist, before closing the bean in his fist. He couldn't leave her.

*The Dwarf Mines*

"I can't contain this much longer..." Regina said as she looked up at Emma.

Dream coughed again when she started to cough up blood when she looked at her mother. "Dream?" David asked when Dream moved, using the last of her strength to help her mother. But it still wasn't enough when the others watched vines growing up Dream's arms when Mary Margaret looked in her bag to see the petals keep falling off of the rose.

"Mom, Dad..." Emma sighed when she knew what she had to do. She hugged her parents and Henry, when Henry moved, seeing Regina tearing up as Dream was slowly dying.

"I love you, Henry. I only wish I was strong enough to stop all this... I'm just not." Regina cried, when Henry moved to hug her, then hug Dream, who had vines growing up her legs.

Emma walked over, making Dream and Regina look at her. "You two may not be strong enough... but maybe the three of us are," Emma said when David moved Mary Margaret and Henry back before Emma helped Regina and Dream. Regina nodded when she saw the vines disappearing again.

Then a sudden blast came from the diamond when Emma, Regina, Dream, Mary Margaret, Henry, and David were all blasted to the ground. The diamond stopped glowing when it dropped onto the rock.

The town started to go back to normal, while the vines that were growing around it were disappearing. Everyone started to get up, after the blast when Regina looked over to see Dream was unconscious.

"We're alive." David chuckled before getting up and helping Mary Margaret.

"Emma! Oh!" Mary Margaret exclaimed when they rushed over to help her up.

"Dream!" Regina got up, rushing to Dream, when David moved to help, seeing that she was unconscious. "Dream! Dreamy, come on, wake up!" Regina started to cry when Dream gasped awake when her eyes were glowing red.

"Dream!" Regina hugged her daughter when Mary Margaret looked in her bag when she saw that the rose's vase was broken but that there was no trace of the rose. "Mom..." Dream sighed when she felt weird. She felt strong. "You're okay..." Regina smiled when David moved to help Dream stand when Regina moved to grab the trigger.

"We did it!" Emma said when David turned to look at her when he helped Dream stand up.

"Yes, we did." Regina smiled when she kissed the top of Dream's head.

"Got to hand it to Henry. He's right about a lot of things." David smiled when Dream started to look around, not being able to see Henry. "Yes, he is. Isn't that right, kid?" Emma asked, turning to look for Henry, but she did not see him.

"Henry?" Dream asked, moving past them, not seeing her brother.

"Henry?" Emma and Regina asked when Dream moved, finding Henry's backpack on the ground.

"Dream, what is it?" Mary Margaret asked when Dream gasped when she picked his backpack up. "They... They took him." She sighed, looking at Henry's backpack. She saw them with her weird powers. It was Greg and Tamara. Dream's eyes glowed gold again before she started to run out of the mines, determined that she would not lose another brother. "Dream!" Regina called before the others followed her.

~season 2, episode 22: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~801 words~

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