Page 93: Pan's Lie:

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The four walked Wendy over to the camp as Dream smiled, wrapping a blanket around Wendy. "Hey, Wendy, since you've been here, have you seen my son? His name's Henry." Neal asked, kneeling down to look at Wendy. "You have a son?" Wendy asked like she didn't know. "Yeah. Pan needs his heart." Neal added.

"Has he said anything about the heart of the truest believer?" Emma asked, making Wendy look at her.

"No. I'm sorry." Wendy sighed, making Dream stand up to walk over to her mom and Hook. "He never mentioned anything about a heart." Wendy continued.

"She's lying." Gold spoke up, making everyone look at him. "Where is he?" Gold asked, pointing his sword to Wendy as Neal stood up, stopping him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," David said, rushing to hold Gold back. 

"What are you doing?" Neal asked his dad. "I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize their burden. She knows where Henry is." Gold continued while David still held him back. "Is that true?" Neal asked, turning to her.

Wendy sighed, looking around at all the adults. "You don't understand." Wendy sighed. "You're helping Pan?" Dream asked her, sounding hurt that she would want to help the guy who locked her in a cage. "He's keeping John and Michael alive. Only if I do as he says." Wendy sighed, holding tears back.

"Trust me. Whatever he's promised, he will go back on his word." Gold said, making Wendy look back at him.

"And why should I trust a man who abandoned his own son?" Wendy asked him. 

"Because your brothers did," Regina spoke up, making Dream raise a brow at her mom. "They trusted a woman named Belle. They helped her get this box so we can defeat Pan." She continued, making Wendy smile.

"They're okay?" She asked Regina.

"For now. And only if we succeed." Gold added, making Wendy look down. 

"Wendy, we will save John and Michael, I swear. But right now, I really need your help. Please." Neal said, kneeling back to look at Wendy. "Pan told Henry that he needs his heart to save magic. It's a lie. He needs it to save himself." Wendy explained, looking down.

"What do you mean?" Hook asked her.

"Pan's dying. He needs the heart of the truest believer to absorb all the magic in Neverland. And once he does, he will be immortal, all-powerful." Wendy explained to the others. "And what happens to Henry?" Dream asked as her breath got caught in her throat. "Well, it's a trade." Wendy paused, looking at Dream. "When Pan lives, Henry will die," Wendy said, making Dream gasp, placing her hand over her mouth.

"How do we stop Pan?" David asked as Wendy stood up. "Pan took Henry to Skull Rock. But you haven't got much time." Wendy warned, making David look at Dream. "Then we stay behind. Someone needs to be here to guard the Lost Boys when they wake up." David said, looking at the group.

"You don't need to stay behind." Emma fought.

"David's right. If you get him home, tell him we love him." Mary Margaret said to her daughter. 

"Tell him yourself when you get back from Dead Man's Peak. Gold can cure you back in Storybrooke. We just need to bring some of the water with us." Emma said, making Mary Margaret hug her.

"You didn't give up." Mary Margaret smiled. "Thank you." Mary Margaret said to Gold.

"Well, apparently, that's the only thanks I need these days." Gold said, looking over to his daughter. David noticed, hugging Dream. "Thank you," David said to Dream, who smiled.

"Tink and I'll take care of things here and meet you back at the Jolly Roger when you find Henry." Hook said as David nodded at him.

"Promise me if your father and I don't make it back, you'll get him home." Mary Margaret said to Emma as Dream spoke up. "We're all going back home. Together." Dream smiled as David and Mary Margaret looked at each other before walking off.

Neal, Emma, Gold, Regina, and Dream were getting ready to leave for Skull Rock when Hook stopped Dream. "Wait, love." He said when the others stopped, looking at the two. "Here." Hook said, taking off one of his necklaces.

"What are you doing?" Dream asked him.

"Just take it with you, for good luck." Hook said, putting it around her neck. "I'm coming back, Hook." Dream chuckled when he just looked at her, putting his hand on her cheek. "I know, love. Just please be safe." He said, sounding concerned when the two just looked into each other's eyes.

Regina cleared her throat, making Dream glance over to her parents, brother, and Emma. "Dreamy," Regina said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Let's go, Operation Save Henry," Dream said, walking towards her mother when Hook sighed, watching her leave.

"When we get back. We're going to set some boundaries." Gold said, looking at Regina. "I can agree with that," Regina said, looking at Dream, who scoffed at them.

"I'm nineteen, Mom."

"You still live under my roof," Regina smirked, making Dream sigh.

~season 3, episode 8: "Think Lovely Thoughts"~

~845 words~

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