Page 74: Regina!

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The Charmings, Emma, Hook, and Dream arrived at Tinker Bell's hut, and Hook went up and checked it out first. "No one's home. Come on up." Hook said, climbing up the rest of the ladder so that the others could follow him. Dream followed, right after Hook, then David, Mary Margaret, and Emma followed. 

"Where would it be?" David asked when he got up to the hut. 

"She wouldn't leave dust just lying around, mate..." Hook sighed while Mary Margaret and Emma came up. "It's not here, promise. I'm sorry..." Hook said, apologizing to Dream, who kept looking around.

"It's pretty bare..." Dream sighed when she kept looking around.

"Reminds me of someplace." Emma sighed while the group continued to look for anything they could find. "You'd think a tree house would be more cheery..." Dream added, looking at the sad excuse for a treehouse or even someone's home. She smiled a bit to herself, remembering when Graham made her and Henry a treehouse that they had to tear down when the two got too big for the treehouse. Dream and Henry would always play pirates or knights in the treehouse all the time. "Where I used to live. That's it..." Emma added, dragging Dream out of her thoughts of her old treehouse.

"Because it's just a place to sleep." Mary Margaret sighed, looking around when Dream noticed something on one of the shelves. 

"What would you know about that?" Emma asked her mother, crossing her arms over her chest. "I didn't always have a canopy bed in a palace. I had a place like this, too, once." Mary Margaret sighed, looking at Emma. "You did?" Emma asked, furrowing her brows.

"A tree stump, when I was running from the Queen... Believe it or not, I understand this Tinker Bell. The real question is... why does she have a ladder? Fairies have wings." Mary Margaret sighed when Dream gasped when she touched the handkerchief on the shelf. Hook and David rushed over to her sides when she fell back into their arms, dropping the handkerchief. "That's Regina's... How'd it get here?" Mary Margaret asked as David picked up the handkerchief while Hook kept holding onto Dream, holding her up.

"She has my mom... She's tracking us. Watching her." Dream sighed as Hook helped her stand. "I saw it..." She sighed, looking at the group, worried.

"But if she's been watching her..." Mary Margaret sighed, looking at Dream, who could now stand on her own. "Then we're in the wrong place..." Hook sighed, looking at the others, then to Dream,

They rushed down the cave while Dream held the handkerchief that David gave her. Dream tried to use what her mother and late grandmother taught her. But Dream used her powers to see Tinker Bell's faded image, who was dragging Regina, who was unconscious. "Over here." Dream said, rushing over to a cave.

"This power comes in handy, sometimes..." Emma mumbled loud enough for Dream to hear, as they followed her.

"Yeah, when it figures out when it wants to work..." Dream sighed, continuing to walk towards the cave.


Regina stirred awake, feeling her head hurting, before she looked up to see Tinker Bell watching her. "About time you woke up. I've been looking forward to this chat for quite some time." Tinker Bell said in a threatening tone, sitting on a rock near her. "Look, you don't know why I'm here." Regina sighed, trying to sit up, but her hands were tied. "Oh, I know exactly why you're here. You're trying to find your son." Tinker Bell said, still sounding harsh, when Regina scoffed to herself.

"And I take it by the restraints, you're not helping?" Regina sighed, when Tinker Bell looked at her like she was stupid.

"You're the last person I'd ever help after you burned me." Tinker Bell spat at her. 

"Burned you?" Regina scoffed, when she finally sat up. "You're the one who interfered in my life." Regina continued to spat.

"And threw away my own in the process."

"So, what do you want from me? To kill me? You think it's that easy? Whatever you knocked me out with, I can tell it's not magic. Maybe poppies... But they're wearing off." Regina said, explaining just what Tinker Bell's plan was, while Tinker Bell looked more worried now. "And since you had to resort to that, it only means one thing, you don't have magic." She continued to say, standing up. "But I do." Regina said, breaking the rope from her wrists with ease.

Tinker Bell got up, when she held up a arrow to Regina's neck. "Yeah, I know. But even your magic can't stop this. Ever hear of Dreamshade?" Tinker Bell asked, when Regina looked worried, again. "Yes..." She answered softly. "Good." Tinker Bell said in her threatening tone again.

"How did you get like this?" 

"I met you." Tinker Bell spat at her.

~season 3, episode 3: "Quite a Common Fairy"~

~812 words~

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