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My father quickly grasped my wrist, pinning it behind my back before shoving me to the ground. I had expected something like this would happen, but even that didn't prepare me for the amount of pain he was about to put me in. He took his hand and closed it into a fist before repeatedly bashing my head into the floor while my mom and Winter watched helplessly. Winter screamed at the top of her lungs and begged him to stop hurting me, but nothing could at this point. It seemed like it was going to go on forever until I heard the quiet sound of a dial tone coming from mom's phone as she hurriedly screamed at them to send the police over before my father killed me. He finally stopped beating on me to get up and stomp over to her, yelling in her face directly about how upset he was that she let me become an "abomination to society". With that, my mom promptly raised her hand and smacked him straight across the face with tears in her eyes.

"That is YOUR child. OUR child. How could you treat her like this? I thought you had finally changed, but I see now that Adelle was right all along about you and your antics. You deserve to rot in prison for the rest of your life because I'm through with you too now!" She cried out, continuously hitting his face and chest with her full force. My father only glared down at her, seeming to decide whether or not to hit her back. As they argued, I got back up shakily and limped over to him before pulling my arm back completely to hit him in the back of his head from behind.

It didn't look like he had expected me to be conscious still from all of that though because he didn't see it coming. As I hit him, his body fell sideways as he cried out in agony and disgust, cussing me out for assaulting him. At that point, it didn't matter anymore. I wanted him only to feel the pain I had been enduring for years because of him. The suffering, the deceit, the disappointment, it all came back at him at once whilst I beat him over and over again until he finally stopped making a single sound. Winter pulled me away from him and hugged me tightly, begging me to leave already. I couldn't though, how could I live with myself if I just left my mom there with that piece of shit?

"We're going to wait for the cops at least. I can't leave her here along with him." I said, rubbing Winter's head gently to comfort her. She looked up at me with a frown, but nodded because she knew how much I cared for my mom.

It was only about fifteen minutes before the cops came and took our statements before picking my father up and dropping him into the police cruiser. They told me that they may need me to come in at a later time to confirm my story and also press charges against him, but, for the time being, I was free to go back to the school and carry on with my day. My mom was silent through the whole interaction, blaming herself the entire time for what had happened. I don't resent her for it though, she is just too naive for this sort of stuff. I really wanted to try and put the past behind us, but I already expected this sort of thing to happen. Even then though, I'm grateful to have gotten it over with sooner rather than later.

"Adelle... I'm so sorry that this happened... I should have listened to you from the start, but I really thought he had finally changed for the better." My mom said whilst crying. I hugged her close to me and nodded with a sense of understanding. I know my mom truly just wanted to repair our family, but there was no hope from the very beginning of that happening. It's not like I didn't want that to happen either, however I'm not the only one that depended on.

Within the next hour, Winter and I left and headed back to the school even though she begged me multiple times to go to the hospital for my injuries. I couldn't bring myself to explain to her how used to this sort of thing that I was, so I remained quiet and drove us both back without another word. Once we got there, I disappeared into the bathroom to clean myself up and dress the wounds that I had sustained from the fight.

Once I exited the bathroom, Winter dragged me aside right after and pulled me close to her. She said nothing, but held onto me tightly as she shook from shock and fright. She didn't know what to say or do to help me, but still tried her best to comfort me. I smiled at her and held her back, laying my head onto her shoulder.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital...?" She asked me, giving a pleading look. I shook my head and stepped away from her.

"I can't afford another bill. Besides, I'd rather be here with you and get cuddles than at a stuffy hospital. I have all I need right here." I said with a faint chuckle. She looked away from me and nodded, heading to the kitchen to grab me an ice pack from the freezer for my head. After that, we sat down next to one another and spent the rest of the night just relaxing in each others arms, unsure of what we should do next...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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