The Meeting

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Sending that message took a lot out of me. My breathing quickened, my heart began to beat faster, and I felt incredibly giddy. Jeez, how long has it been since I've become like this? Before I could see a message back from her, the phone began to ring and buzz from someone calling me. It was from an unknown number, so there was no point in picking up. After it stopped though, the person who had called left me a message. Curious, I pressed the play button to listen to what they had to say.

"Hey there sweetie... it's your dad... I know you didn't want to talk to me anymore after what had happened, but I want to try and rekindle our relationship. Is that too much to ask? Please message or call me when you can... I love you."

My face twisted into a scowl as I placed the phone down without saying anything to him or myself. There was no way I was going to entertain him or give into his fuckery. There's just no way I'm going to answer him, he doesn't deserve it. Moments later, it rang again and buzzed more, almost sounding as if it was louder. I refused to pick up the phone again and let it stop ringing before listening to the new voicemail.

"Please, Adelle, I want to do better for you..."

The message ended there, so I remained still and waited to see if he would call again. Thankfully, he didn't, but now I had no will to message Winter and so I just went ahead and took a nap until the time came for me to go see my mom.
Hours passed by until, finally, the alarm went off. It was time to now leave and head to my mom's house. I packed a change of clothes in case I stayed over, my laptop and charger, phone charger, and, of course, my phone. Before putting it away in the book bag I was bringing along with me, I sent my mom a message to let her know I was on my way there. She sent a thumbs up to me and then I was on my way.

It was a calm and slow drive, but my mind couldn't help but wonder. "What did my dad want? Why was he calling me now?" It all gave me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something seemed off, but I couldn't tell what it was. Despite this unsettling feeling, I still continued on my way to my mom's house. It hasn't been that long since we last saw one another, but it's still nice to visit her either way.

Once there, I noticed that not only her car was in the driveway, but a CRV as well. Even with this warning sign, I went on in anyways with the thought that it was just a friend of my mom. Once inside, she came out to greet me with a wide smile and beckoned me inside enough to shut the door behind me.

"Oh, sweetie, welcome home! How was the date today? Were they nice?" She questioned me. I chuckled awkwardly and shook my head.

"No, no... I guess I just can't get over you-know-who... The person got mad and stormed out. You know how it goes." I replied, waving away her concern. She sighed, hugging me loosely with a frown.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, maybe next time?" She said, patting my back before letting go to lead me into the kitchen, "We even have a visitor with us today, so come sit with us."

I followed her as confusion spread across my face. When we finally walked in, the confusion quickly turned into a scowl. A short and slightly chubby man with a blonde crew cut was sitting right at the end of the long dinner table, smiling and waving me to come over to him. It was my father.

"Darling, oh I missed you so much! How have you been?" He asked. I remained still, crossing my arms as my eyes stared right at him.

"I was fine until my eyes hit you." I said frankly, turning around to leave the room. My mom stopped me by grabbing onto my arm and pulled me back.

"Adelle, give him a chance..." She begged me. I ripped my arm out of her hands and gave her a look of disgust.

"Give him a chance? Excuse me, but have you lost your fucking mind? He cheated on you not once, not twice, but three damn times, but you want to forgive him. Not only that, but after you guys fucking divorced, I got sent to live with him the majority of the week only to be beaten, subjected to verbal abuse, and watch as he brought in dozens of women into our house so he could screw them all night while I had to cook, clean, and try not to starve, but you want me to forgive him?" My voice quivered as I yelled at her. I shook in my spot, glaring daggers in his direction before stepping away from my mom and away from the kitchen. As I turned to leave the house, my mom came up behind me and pulled my arm again.

"We're getting married again."

Those words broke me, no, shattered me. I couldn't understand what she had just said, I thought it was just a joke and even laughed. The look on her face said it all though. She was serious.

"You're fucking insane. What? You expected me to give you two psychos my blessing to get remarried and just assumed that everything would be ok? Did you really think it would be that simple? He fucked you over, halfway beat the shit out of me, but you still have the audacity to take him back and sign up for that shit all over again?" I screamed at her. She stepped back, letting out a long breath as she looked back at my father who was smiling eerily.

"Caroline, calm down. She has a right to be upset." He said to her, keeping his eyes glued on me as he continued smiling. I backed away even more, hitting my back against the front door. "She will come around..." He chuckled.

At that point, I was over it all and left the house. I didn't want to stay there any longer than needed and I didn't want be in the same vicinity as him. It was time to leave and I needed to before I had a breakdown...

But it's already too late to prevent that...

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