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I hurried into my car and sped off down the road without caring what way I was going. During this, both my mom and my father began to call me instantaneously, driving me more and more to the point of insanity. Tears started to fall down my face faster than I could stop them, making me unable to see the road well and swerve in and out of multiple lanes.

She's choosing him over you, how mother-like.

No, no, no, I'm sure there's a reason for—.

What kind of reasoning would make it excusable, huh? You're screwed either way. What happened to you will happen to your mom. Who knows, maybe he'll extort you too...

Lies! He... he had to have changed in some way!

Oh? You noticed it though, right? He kept looking at the two parts of your body that most guys only care about. He's attracted to him own daughter, how pitiful and disgusting!

Maybe you're right...

You know I am. You know what he is and you know what he's capable of. Now, your mom is nothing different from him. Cut her off.

"What?" I blurted out in the middle of driving, finally paying attention to where I was at, but it was too late. The honking of another horn had finally caught my attention, but only did so when it was too late to swerve out of the way. A car came right towards my passenger side, hitting it powerfully on impact. My car flipped over a couple times until it finally stopped on the roof of the car, leaving me stranded upside down. It was game over, I could feel the broken bones in my body scream in anguish. Yelling in the background faded into the back of my mind as I started to lose consciousness, yet it wasn't enough to make it go away as well.

Look at what you caused, it's all your fault. That driver may be dead because of you.

No, they can't be... there were other drivers going too, my light had to be green!

Then how do you explain the accident?

I... don't know. Is it my fault?

Yes, you murderer.

Murderer? Me? I'm a murderer?

He could be dead, and you're just going to end up like your father. The epitome of a criminal and an abomination to the human race.

"No..." I murmured as screaming and police sirens faded into the background...


Everything was hurting, but I couldn't see what. All the noises and lights seemed just like a dream now, as if the whole day had been a farce. Somehow though, I know it was all real. Too real for me. Nothing mattered though anymore, not to me at least. My mom betrayed me, he fucked everything up for me, she left me alone in this world alone!... Fuck it all... I hope the crash kills me soon enough...


I just want to die, I don't care if I go to hell anyways. It's just a lie.


Someone will be waiting for me, excited to finally see me there so I can be with her.


The world would be better off if I just—


"She's stable, we got a pulse!"A kind and powerful voice cheered. It was clear to me now, what had happened. The miracle and curse of it all though was that I was staying here...

"Fuck!" I choked out, crying desperately. I wanted to die, I should have died... but here I am, alive and suffering. The gurney beneath me shook slightly as the ambulance we were in must've hit a hole. My head, being as it was strapped to the object, was unable to get me a good view of what had happened to my body. My vision was still blurry though, leaving me unable to see much of anything anyways.

"Ma'am? Are you alright? Any pain?" The voice asked. I wheezed, trying to answer but letting nothing out but a breath of air. I then tried to nod, but couldn't since my head was restrained. "Ma'am?"   He asked again. I shook in my spot, feeling tears fall from my eyes and down the sides of my cheeks. My mind faded to black once again as my body couldn't handle the issue at hand any longer.

I don't know how long it had been before I woke up again. For all I know, it could've been minutes or hours, even days possibly. I still wasn't able to even talk, but at least, in this moment it was easy to see I was finally at the hospital. There were white wraps around my arms and fingers while I had a cast on my left leg. I couldn't even remember what had happened at this point, so I barely recognized what the injuries had come from.

Multiple doctors and nurses passed my room, not noticing that I had woken up. Every part in my body surged with pain as my head became cloudy and dark all over again. It felt like something was lost inside of me.

"Hello?" A voice called out. My head turned to see a short and stocky female nurse. She cheerfully smiled, acknowledging my consciousness as she stepped over to me. "You're Adelle, correct?" She asked me. I nodded in return, causing a sharp pain to shoot up my neck. She noticed this, coming closer to me to support my head slightly. "You were in a car crash a few days ago. The other driver was drunk and ran a red light, crashing into you. I assumed you'd be confused as to what had happened, your head received some injuries." She continued. I remained silent and still, not wishing to hurt myself even more.

"What day is it?" I asked her. She backed away just enough to take a look at my vitals quickly.

"It's Wednesday. We already alerted your school about the accident as well seeing as we had your belongings handed to us to give back to you once you woke up." I let out a sigh of relief to her response, but then stopped to ask another question.

"Does my mom know? I was leaving her house when it had happened..." I said. The nurse stood still for a moment before struggling to let out a response.

"The police had contacted her, however a gentleman answered instead and, once asked about your mother, he laughed and hung up. No one here knows anything more than that, sadly." I looked down, knowing immediately who it was and how I was right about him.

"I'm going to kill that bastard..."

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