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Before we knew it, night had approached as the room darkened with the settings sun and the movie on the tv lot of the entirety of the room. Neither one of us dared to move as both of our bodies were, collectively, entertained together and a oddly comfortable position. It wasn't even as if either one of us was listening to the movie or watching it for that matter, more so we enjoyed one another's company to the soft static of the unrecognizable movie in front of us.

I didn't move a single centimeter, worried that Winter might get up at the first sign of movement, but she, instead, held her arms up into the air to stretch before casually wrapping them around my shoulders with a small huff of delight. She was happy, and that's all I could've ever asked for. Just seeing the look of pure content on her face made my heart warm and my smile perk up as it was the first time in awhile that I had made a good choice for once.

While the minutes passed of her staring blankly at the tv with a curled mouth full of secretive desires, it was then that she finally leaned her head up to look straight at me. Winter didn't say a single word, instead opting to giggle quietly and proceed to kiss my cheek. Rather than continue what she had just started, as I didn't want to push further after all the drama I had caused, I decided to just smile down at her and kiss her nose.

It was one thing to show her how desperately I wanted to be close to her physically, but another to be too forward considering the circumstances and how much of, well, a fuck up I am... She seemed ok with the route I took though, so it wasn't anything to get worried over.

I need to relax... Winter is trusting me right now after everything I put her through. She's vulnerable and in need of being cared for... Don't hurt her, don't push things, take it slow...

My mind spun around for what had seemed to be hours, but was only moments long in reality. There was so much that I wanted to do and say, but my prior mistakes only held me back and prevented me from moving forward right now. It wasn't the time for me to make a move, but more so her time to show me if she wants us to be anything more still...

She looked at me multiple times for an opening or to show that she was expecting something, but it was worrying as to whether or not I should make the move if I so decided to. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, but I also don't want her to think I'm moving on... relationships are hard, why do they have to be so complicated?

She's going to think I'm over her if I just continue to sit still... we're both obviously wanting to at least do something at this point. Move it dumbass!

Finally, I forced my body to lean forward, bending down to face, the now surprised, Winter who had been laying on my lap looking at the tv screen with a blank expression. Without waiting to see if she had anything to say, I pressed my lips firmly, but carefully, against hers whilst biting them softly before stopping to look at her afterwards.

Winter's face flushed a light shade of pink while she attempted to sit up to face me, however she slid back down right back onto my legs with a soft and harmless thump.

"Sorry... I guess I didn't get my balance right. You surprised me, I wasn't expecting that..." She mumbled, seemingly surprised by the choice I made. Winter didn't seem upset at all by what I had done, but rather was cheerful and embarrassed that I did. The once hardheaded, stubborn, and flirtatious girl I first met was now overcome with a sense of embarrassment by my subtle understanding of boundaries while also managing to spark her interest in so much more.

I smiled down at her and laughed quietly. "Don't apologize, I think it's funny to see you embarrassed for once instead of you doing that to me." Winter smiled and laughed, leaning her head up as she smiled slyly.

"I think your reactions will always be better, tit girl." She whispered, church long to herself as the tips of my ears began to feel warm. It's been awhile since she called me that or even referenced our first meeting, it was completely out of the blue.

"Listen, I can't help it, ok?" I said in a hushed tone while my face started to turn red from embarrassment. Winter giggled louder, reaching her hand up to brush the strands of hair that have fallen down back out of my face before sitting up and promptly leaning into me to kiss my neck, cheeks, and lips firmly with no hesitation.

"I missed you. I missed us... Would it really be ok for there to be... something between us again? Without the secrets?" She questioned me, tracing the tips of her fingers across my chest and up to my lips. I nodded, pecking her fingers softly before grinning and licking one of her fingers slowly as to shock her. Instead, Winter grinned back at me, moving her weight onto mine as she proceeded to sit on my lap facing me before reaching her hands around me and pulling me close to herself. "This is where I want to me, right next to you. Is that a lot to ask?"

I shook my head, pulling myself away as I was ready to charge head on and accept any hurt feelings that could come later on. "No, because I want to be here right with you too, Winter, you make me feel like it's ok to love again, and you're the one I want to fall deeper for. I love you a lot." I said in a quiet whisper, pulling her back towards me as we enveloped one another in a deep and unbreakable kiss...

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