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Together, after watching many more movies, the two of us fell asleep next to one another. It was probably one of the best nights of sleep that I've ever had because I felt comfortable for once in such a long time. Oddly enough, Winter even talks and whispers in her sleep about random things. It's actually kind of refreshing in a way. It makes me smile and want to spend even more time with her. I don't know if we're really even dating yet, but I hope we do in the future. I'm already incredibly happy with her after living together with her for such a short amount of time.

The sun poked out from behind the blinds in the living room just as my thoughts finished processing. It was beautiful the way the rays landed on Winter's hair and illuminated it. She squinted as the light then hit her eyes and then groaned.

"Fuck you, sun..." She murmured in her sleep before turning over to face me. I held in my laughter before brushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes opened up slowly and stared right back at me. "Cuddle me." Winter demanded. At this point, I completely lost it and chuckled at her. The girl who had always teased me and poked fun at me was now demanding that I cuddle her. She threw her arms out at me and groaned. Instead of doing as she asked though, I got up out of my spot and walked into the kitchen as she seemed to pout after I left. Without saying a word, I began to prepare breakfast for us and making some coffee.

After about fifteen minutes on waiting and for coffee and cooking eggs, I brought two plates back and set them on the table in front of the chair we were sitting in before grabbing two cups of coffee too. Winter took a few moments to completely wake up as she finally began to munch on the food after it had cooled down. She didn't say much, so I'm sure she's not a morning person. I finished quickly as she ate at a slower rate and sipped the coffee and stretch in an exaggerated manner.

"Sleep good?" I asked her. She turned around to look at me with a faint smile.

"I slept great." She hummed, biting into her eggs some more. While I waited for her to finish, I put on a movie to watch with her. It was just a random one, so I don't even know what the title was. She watched it, eating slower until finally all the food and coffee was gone. As soon as she did, Winter hopped out of her seat and hurried into her room. After a few minutes, she came back in with a clean outfit on and a beanie on her head, but no bandanas or bracelets on her wrists.

"Are you ok with that?" I asked her. Winter looked down at her scarred up wrists and shut her eyes. She remained silent, walking over to me and holding out an open hand.

"Yeah, I need to stop hiding them eventually. Go get dressed, Mrs. Tit." She laughed. I raised an eyebrow at her and rolled my eyes.

"Yes, yes, but it's Ms. Tit to you, sweetie." I said, blowing a kiss at her jokingly. She stuck her tongue out at me, throwing a throw pillow at me as I walked into my room. I didn't take long to pick out my clothes, so I threw on some random items that matched. In the end, I walked out with a flannel, a tank top, and black jeans. Winter stared at me as I came into the living room again and eyed me up and down.

"Mhm, I think that makes you look like a 12/10." She giggled. I threw my arms up dramatically.

"Only a 12? Damn, I thought I was looking like at least a 30/10." I sighed. Winter crossed her arms and groaned.

"Ok, now you're a 8/10 you ungrateful tit." Winter responded. We both laughed, grabbing our items before heading to our classes for the day. Mine was a biology lab while hers was an intermediate psychology course. We said our goodbyes before going in the opposite direction from one another. My  leg had been in a cast for quite awhile now, but I still have to wear a boot at least for another week before taking it off. Because of this, I still had to walk at a much slower pace and watch where I was walking so I wouldn't get hurt.

With some extra time to waste before class had actually started, my mind began to wander again. I still haven't heard from my mom yet and actually missed her a lot. I'm mad at her for believing that my father had changed. I know he hadn't changed and I know he was planning something. He hasn't hurt me physically yet or done anything in front of anyone else, but I know he has it out for me. At this point, my father could even be controlling my mom and who she talks to. If I call or message her, he could pick up. There's only one time I could actually probably get ahold of her. During Friday evenings, she almost always goes to her neighbors house for dinner and to talk. I know the neighbor's number, so I could call tonight and try to talk to my mom.

I don't know if it'll work, but I have to try. For now though, I'll just have to focus on my class that's starting soon. Right when I walked through the door to enter the classroom, I immediately got a lot of dirty looks. People were whispering about how I was just an attention seeker, how I just did everything to get more time on my assignments, and so on. I don't care though, they weren't there when the shit happened. When I sat down, the professor came up to me with a blank expression. He set a paper in front of me that had a list of assignments I had missed.

"I don't know how you managed to miss a whole month of school and get away with it, but the dean has just informed me to excuse you from these assignments. You're lucky, Ms. Belmont. This is the last time this will happen as well." He said, tearing up the paper in front of me before walking back to him desk. Already, I feel so welcomed back.

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