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Whilst my eyes remained closed, a bright light shines onto my eyelids, causing me to wake up completely. It was morning. Without knowing what else happened last night, I awoke on the couch to countless bottles of fireball among other alcoholic beverages as Winter slowly began to pick them up off of the floor in a wobbly movement. She didn't notice that I woke up, whispering to herself as she tripped over my feet that hung off of the couch.

"I didn't know she had a fiancée before... why wouldn't she tell me?" She said in a low voice. My eyes dropped to the floor, remembering all that had went on up until the point where I got plastered. Winter was just happy last night that we spoke openly about everything, but she seems clearly distraught by the whole situation now. I don't blame her, but it feels like she's not being honest with me now... well, I guess I gave her a reason not to be though.

I chuckled quietly, watching as Winter went from the lounge area to the kitchen where she stumbled around everywhere until she finally tossed the bottles into the trash can with a loud crashing sound. She heard my laughter from behind her, immediately turning around to shoot me a glare.

"Don't just lay there, help me pick up! You were a mess last night!" She exclaimed, pointing to a huge pile of bottles by the front door. There had to be at least fourteen small and medium size bottles of fireball in total lined up against the door. As soon as I stood up, my stomach immediately twisted in anger from losing myself in alcohol last night, making me run immediately to the bathroom. It's been... months since I've drank this much to be honest though, so it was well-deserved in my opinion.

Once I came out, Winter had already finished picking everything up and throwing it away as she now sat on the couch waiting for me. No one said a word and it made the whole atmosphere of the room to be quite uncomfortable. Last night, everything was fine and she was understanding, but it was like she hated my guts in this moment. Her eyes looked right at mine without breaking contact even once.

" did you sleep?" I asked her, trying to make some sort of small talk. She smiled, looking at me more warmly and she got up and came closer.

"You drank a lot last night. I had maybe eight bottles, the small ones only, but you were completely fucked last night. I'm sure you don't remember a lot of what happened, so I won't bring it up though." She said, brushing past me to enter the bathroom. I stood there, confused as to what all had happened last night. Apparently, I must've done something pretty bad for her to be this hateful to me. It's not like I was planning on drinking that much, but at the same time you can't blame me when I was so stressed out about everything!

"God I'm a fucking idiot." I said quietly, knocking my head against the wall beside the bathroom. Rather than just sulk there though, instead I took it upon myself to, at the very least, grab the full trash bag and go take it to the trash room in the dorm which was just down the hall. I didn't bother telling Winter, I figured either way she wouldn't care, so I grabbed the trash and shut the door behind me. It was a short walk, nothing exciting, but it felt odd to me for some reason. I haven't been in this place with Winter for long, so it's probably just from being unfamiliar with the building. Despite my weird and uneasy feeling, I arrived at the trash room and tossed the bag in there.

Once that was done, I turned around only to immediately bump into someone behind me. A short and sturdy kind of guy with a messy blonde bun looked at me with a half fiendish smile. He looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it until he spoke.

"Hi there, Adelle... it's been awhile since I've seen you. Man, you look as great as ever, but I'm sure Winter gets to see all that and more, hm?" He said in a clearly irritated voice. It clicked, this was the guy who took Winter's phone when we were first meeting! He placed a hand on my shoulder, leaning in closer to me. "You sure are lucky, Winter is a real nice catch. I'm sure you already know what she can do in bed too... it's some of the best action you can get at this campus." He laughed, tightening his grip. My shoulder began to pulsate with pain as his hold on it only grew stronger.

"Um... I really have to get going... I have homework to do..." I stuttered, trying to find an excuse to get away. I was in no position to try and fight back. Knowing that I probably can't fight very well after the accident, I wanted to avoid anything like that at all costs until I'm sure I can stand up for myself. His smile grew wider as it became obvious he had no intention of just letting me go. "Listen, Winter and I are just friends! I'm just her roommate now!" I shouted, pulling his hand off of me in a fit of rage. The man stared at me, turning his grin into a frown in which he then stepped closer to me.

"Bullshit! I saw that she told someone that you and her were official! I know you guys are dating, that's my girl!" He cries out, throwing a fist at me. Luckily, I fell backwards before he was able to hit me, but I had to scramble to stand up before finally being able to run back to my room. He followed behind me closely, pulling my clothes and hair until I was able to outrun him and get into the room to lock the door behind me. "You're dead! Do you hear me? Dead!" His voice echoed as the man walked away. Seconds after I got back in, Winter just finally got out of the bathroom with a concerned look.

"Is everything ok...?" She asked me. I struggled to answer her, but grinned and nodded without even answering her. Winter came closer to me, loosing at the bruises on my shoulder, as he managed to rip the shirt I had on, and saw that I was visibly shaken. "Who did this?" She demanded you know. I shook my head, unsure of who it even was as I didn't remember him name since we met once before.

"It was that guy who took your phone when we first met." I said, not knowing what else to tell her. She furrowed her eyebrows in anger, stomping her foot harshly to the ground.


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