Chapter One: Hiding In Plain Sight

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A'Miza McNeal

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A'Miza McNeal

The room is dark and cold, and I see nothing but shadows running circles around me. I can't make them out. They are all talking, screaming and I can't hear the words...I can't hear what they are saying. I covered my ears, screaming until it all faded away and they all disappeared. The voices quieted. I took a breath until a dark shadow figure ran into me like heavy wind, pushing me to the ground. It screamed in my face, and I screamed in pain as the sound was like nails scratching against a chalkboard!

"Ahhh!" I jumped out of my sleep to hear my alarm screaming in my ear. It's 6:30... I am getting tired of these night terrors waking me up. Well, it's either them or the alarm, and I hate them both equally. Turning the alarm off, I plop my body back into bed.

Just then I saw my roommate Amanda open the room door in her towel with a shower cap on. A string of her red hair coiled on her neck from being left out by accident. My mind is racing from that dream...that's the first time one of the shadows touched me, I thought to myself, but I try not to react any more than I must have been in my sleep. Her blue eyes opened wide at me as if she was concerned, but then a knowing look took over as she dropped her towel revealing her black lace underwear and no usual. She smirks at me, her white skin grew pink as she tried to hold back her amusement.

"Another bad dream, weirdo?" She smiles, peering her blue eyes at me.

Ah yes, here she goes.

"It's too early for making fun of me Amanda, start your day doing something else please," I growl, covering my face with the covers.

She laughs.

"Oh com'on I am the only person in this entire university who is privy to you screaming yourself out of your sleep every morning," She chuckles, "The least you can do is allow me to make fun of you for all my trouble!"

I closed my eyes. Sure Amanda, sure...

But what did I expect? What can I expect? I never told anyone about my dreams or what I go through several times a day. The voices I have been hearing ever since I turned eighteen... the voices that I can never turn off once they are on. The dreams that come in floods but never make any sense. I am always in a black room, surrounded by what I am assuming are spirits that are screaming and all talking in unison, but I can never make out the words or the shapes. They paralyze me sometimes; always at the worst times. Imagine presenting in class and all of a sudden you go quiet, unmoving with your eyes closed, standing as stiff as a board. So, if Amanda and everyone else sees it fit to make fun of me? Who am I to tell them not to? Let them be...they are the least of my concerns. Plus, three-quarters of this University's population is Ordinarius and they do not even know we Donatus's exist amongst them. From witches like myself to every creature and monster of your childhood-nightmares are here at Winone University. Winone is the best school amongst our kind to send your gifted child or one who checks the box that marks 'other' instead of 'plain human'. The ordinarius who are here usually get in because their rich or famous parents paid for them to experience exclusivity... or rather unbeknownst to them, paid for their kids to enjoy all the perks of thousands of years of Vampire Royal's blood money. They are here, believing they attend an elite institute for the rich and famous... I mean not all of them, some are here because their parents had the money and didn't want them around, so they sent them to "the best" boarding school, tucked deep in the forests of Maryland. I know regular people have regular problems, so people like Amanda will never understand my issues and I will take her jeering as a symptom of her utter humanness. Though I envied her for it. I hear her leave and immediately use my powers to close the door behind her. Being black should have been the hardest thing about being me, but the universe had to add a dash of witch in my lineage. My mom and dad decided to toss me into Winone to hone my skills here. They came here when they were young, much like most Donatus who could afford to. For others who didn't have the funding, LaCroix University was their next best option. It was a good school, somewhere in Atlanta, but only for the second-best of Donatus, and believe me they hate us for it. Everyone else, and apparently even me, were deemed good enough to be hereafter we passed our gruelling initiation tests that gauged each of our capabilities. They put us through hell, just to come and live in this hell. I closed the blinds to the windows with one flick of my wrist and laid in bed with my arm across my eyes. I just don't want to move today. I have quiet, for now. Let me bask in it.

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