Chapter Twenty- In the Wild

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Ever so often my mind will go back to that night in the auditorium. Watching him, smirk and smile as that girl's lifeless body lay behind him. The scene looked as if he'd done it. He looked as guilty as Derek Michael Chauvin. But something in me just knew he didn't do it, and so I spoke up. That compulsion that I felt then, was the same one I felt as I told him that we'd end it. Whatever it was, or was going to be had to end. The warnings I've received from the folded lady. The way they spoke in my head, what they said. It leads me to believe that something big was coming and if I just listen to their warning and heed their requests, It'd all be okay. I just had to listen. 

I felt a shift beside me on the seat and it was mom. They're both still unconscious.  But they are stable according to Zurich. Nyon and Castile had tried to cover them just as Zurich did for me amidst the crash, but I suppose the impact, and their ages, the early fifties, has something to do with how long they're taking to recover I sat next to them and tried my best not to worry about them and to keep eyes either closed or out the window, looking at the towns, turn into trees, then towns again. Occasionally I'd see the gray wolves running alongside us in the woods,  looking like streaks of brown, grey, crimson, white amongst the forest's green. When we pass the towns, we don't see them, but we know they're in the woods. Castile kept on growling under his breath about how King Maaldamir set up help from the dogs for us as if we'd asked for it. I thought by now I'd be used to the fact that they are all shamelessly bigoted. 

I wrapped my coat around my body, tightly and stuffed both my hands under my arms. I turned to my side, with my legs folded under my butt. I stared through the window, not looking at anything specifically, just avoiding looking at him. I wanted badly, to be in his arms, kiss him again...but I knew I couldn't. That was aggravating me.
I knew he was looking at me. His habit of openly staring at me has not stopped with my request to 'end it'. It's been a  couple of hours. so I knew it would take more time than that. The old folded woman had said my parents were the ones to cause all of my issues. I needed them to wake up and give me answers. That was truly messing with my mind right now. 

"We are almost there," Nyon says aloud, breaking the silence that was threatening to kill us all in this limo. I do not look in their direction, for fear of meeting his gaze. I can't.

"You never could control yourself when you got leaves and headed up here, let's see if you can,now." Castile laughs at Nyon.

"I am sure the Prince behaves worse than I!" Nyon defends.

I was intrigued, but I dared not react. What did they mean?
"No one could behave wilder than our beloved Prince Zurich who goes by the name the insatiable in Quintin, I am a proper gentleman compared!" Nyon laughed through his teeth.

Oh. I suddenly knew exactly what they meant and the feeling of discomfort twisted my guts. He doesn't reply or join in their jokes at all, and I knew it was because he wasn't particularly in the talking mood after this morning's events. Neither was I.

"Here we go." Nyon swooned excitedly. 

I did not notice a change in my environment or a difference in the people. As far as I could see I was driving in a suburb with white picket fences and beautiful trimmings and low cut grass. It felt very...uptown...very bougie. Is this it? Suddenly, we took a sharp turn in the driveway of one of the suburban homes. There was a lawn on each side and a driveway that led up to a garage. I could not see the house well, but I knew it was not a two-story or anything. We drove into the driveway, then suddenly, I heard the garage door opening. Okayyyy?
I was all of a sudden scared and full of questions. But I had no one to ask...well...

The garage door closed and suddenly I felt an odd pull, then the darkness in the garage turned into an array of light and people, walking around. Shit, it was a portal. A portal in a garage in the middle of a suburb? And he gave me shit because we had a tree for a door? I heard faint electronic EDM music being played and the line shook with each hit of the bass. Where the hell were we?

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