Chapter Eleven: What a WITCH!.

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^^ Naforah^^

A'Miza McNeal

I wish I could find words to describe this experience. The last times he carried me, he was going too fast for me to really see the world around me, but now? I suppose there isn't much of a reason to rush since we made it out of Winone without being spotted. I hung onto him as though he held the secrets of the world...I held onto him as though I needed to. It was so strange...all these days I was suffering, unable to sleep, to think and just holding onto him like this has done the trick. What does this even mean? I needed answers, but how do I begin to ask them?

I started to gaze at the trees around us as he ran through them at a very dangerous speed with me on his back. That guy he brought with him kept on scowling at me. I rolled my eyes at him as he ran past us. What was his problem?

Suddenly we came to a stop at the tallest gates I'd ever seen. Big, black and unwelcoming. I felt a shiver down my spine as I looked between its frames to see the Gerarld Castle I've read about in books. We aren't permitted to walk Vampire grounds, and each Great house is on one such ground. I swallowed the lump that was stuck in my throat. What am I doing, I can't go in there!

I was so stupid to agree to this! A moment of stupid, brazenness and now I will be in a castle filled with vampires! I know enough to know I am food to them, Donatus or not!

Many Maleficus have gone missing on these grounds.

Before I could say a word, Zurich had launched us up and over the tall fence and placed me down. Wow. Dizzy.

He held onto my hands to keep me from spilling over, a smile playing behind his usually stern face.

He shakes his head, squeezing my finger lightly. Our eyes staring intently...intensely into each others. stomach knotted.

"Humans," He grins.

"They are truly useless," Castile murmurs as he walks past us toward the front door.

I could sense he wanted to say something to him. Reprimand him...but he never leaves my gaze. I could feel myself melting in front of him, but I managed to maintain my composure.

"Watch it!" he said calmly, yet I could tell he was dead serious and I knew Castile knew he was, too. So, you suddenly care about humans?

"A'Miza," he smiles, snapping me out my thoughts. "Welcome to the House of Imperium."

In a split second, he'd grabbed me up and glided all the way to the door in one quick motion. As he set me back down at the threshold, I was stunned by the inside. I am floored. Castile had left the door open when he went inside, presumably for us. This place was....big...beautiful, light-airy...but the moment he landed me in front of his home, my stomach churned and I felt an intense nauseous feeling. Holding my hand he stepped in before me, taking me in behind him.


I was held back by an invisible wall of sorts. Zurich's hand was pulled from mine and I stood at the door confused. What was that? Our eyes met and they mirrored each other in their bafflement. What in the hell was going on?

I broke our eye contact and tried to push my hands through the house, but I'm just pushed back...almost forced on my ass. I take a step back.

"You guys 'Witch proofed' your house?" I shook my head, throwing my hands up. "The irony."

"I knew nothing about this," he smirked, "Maybe I need to invite you in."

"An invitation for a witch?" I say as though the words together made zero sense. Vampire's a few thousand years ago needed to be invited inside your home to enter, after a while that news dissipated as they'd live so long and would have practically entered multiple homes and establishments over time, you hardly ever needed to invite them in. A few still exist, as well as a few places, but they are so few and far in between that it's a novelty to witness you having to invite one into a space.

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