Chapter Fourteen: Spilt beans and blood

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We enter through the doors of House of Imperium and Immediately I see her features change from pensive to pure shock. My brows furrowed as I looked at her as she walked by me and went up the stairs. I had carried her on my back from the woods. She's been acting strange since we've left and even stranger since we've come through the doors. She looked pale...sick even. It worried me, but I couldn't shake this feeling that she just lied straight to my face back there. I take a step forward to follow behind her to ask her point black to be real with me, but I am stopped by hands snaking around my waist.

"You seem to be fascinated with the human," Naforah snorted against my back. "She reminds me of the one you drank for breakfast yesterday. Cool,smooth, dark skin with those plump round lips and the ass-"

"Recall this morning when I almost ripped your head off, and use it Naf—as a warning," I say emotionless, and deadly serious as I unwrapped her hands from around my waist and headed up the stairs to my quarters. I lived on the second floor of the three. Maaldamir's room is located at the very top of the building. No one, but me, Zaphrina and whomever he's fucking can entire his room and I have instructed her of this. As I neared the door I noticed today's guard who is posted there, dressed in his black jean's, with a casual button shirt and a tie. It doesn't take me long to see that it's my favourite of them, Nyon.

I give him a nod and he steps out of my way and opens my door. His tall, skinny frame doesn't lead anyone to believe he has any tactical training. But he's a Master of Silat- never seen a more skilled fighter, and one of my best guards, even though he looks unassuming. But the little fucker can't dress to save his life! Always in some semi-formal getup, and the God awful suspenders sometimes. He was turned in the 18th century so his tastes are a bit off for this era.

"Good Afternoon, Sire," He smirks.

"They've changed you to the day shift, Nyon,"

"Yes, Sire. I requested with Castile that I get a change." He smiled, placing his hands nervously into his pant pockets."These outfits deserve to be seen in the day."

I try my hardest to hold in my laughter. Nyon I believe is very much into men, though I've never seen him with one... with any for that matter

"Well, it's good to have you." After placing my palm on his shoulder, I give him a pat before retreating to my room.

I have a lot on my mind...a lot to do. Maybe a drink before we head into that dark hole you call a brain, Zurich!


Heading over to the counter that was fixed right in front of my bed where a Tv should be, I poured myself a tall glass of Romanée-Conti 1945. I took a big gulp and let out a deep, long sigh as the warm, bitter-sweet liquid coated my throat.


Now I can focus.

Alexander should be here soon and the last thing I needed was my temper ruining what could be a potential truce. Alexander could have easily had this talk with me weeks ago. Phones work wonders in this era. His temper matched mine...some would say it surpassed it since he lacked reason–and for god sake Why did he set Winone ablaze? I don't know why I am so irritated now, but I can feel myself sinking into anger and I just—

I took a deep breath in an attempt to quell my mood.

Tipping the glass on my lips I drank the remainder of the wine and took the bottle up instead.

Why did she lie to me?

Ahh...that's what's bothering me.

The fact of it made me even more uncomfortable and slightly irritated.

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