Chapter Twenty-Two: Fated.

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I woke with a deep intake of breath that sounded and felt like someone was sitting on my chest and got off at the very last moment before I suffocated. I felt a burning sensation in my chest and at that moment I also felt arms wrapped around me, and the smell of oak and lavender in the air. I didn't see him, but I knew it was him. His legs and arms wrapped around me as though we were a couple and I needed his embrace to fall asleep. I liked this...being in his arms... waking up to his scent of oak and lavender, feeling his muscles and weight all around me. I didn't even think it was too strange to wake up in his arms either... At this point, I knew he cared for me, and I knew he at least liked me and I knew I loved him. It wasn't strange at all... It felt just right. He wasn't as cold to the touch as the books made vampires out to be...sure he had a lower body temperature, but for the most part, it wasn't unbearable or even uncomfortable. He felt just right. How did he end up here? 

I must have scared him last night.

I felt ashamed and my stomach churned as I remembered it.

No matter what I tried I couldn't snap out of it. They made sure I stayed. They made sure I wouldn't leave with any questions this time...

I wish I knew nothing.

My father, too, like the folded lady, though a kind man, and very straightforward, made it clear what my purpose was. He made it clear the spell they used and the repercussions of not following through with what they started twenty-five years ago. It devastated me...nothing could be worse than what I heard. I lost my mind in there. 

"I know you aren't sleeping," He breathed in the back of my neck. I don't react. I know you, do. I haven't decided whether or not I tell him or not, well at least not all of it. What I've heard makes it all so much worse. I have to tell him something, even though I was warned against it. I made up my mind. I love my people, but it felt wrong, it felt— "Say something, pulchra, my mind goes to conclusions that are usually at the worst end of the spectrum."

What does he want me to say? I haven't yet decided how to tell him... how to phrase it...

 Hey, Zurich I was made to kill you and your family.

Hey, Prince, I love you but, I kinda have to...kill you?

So, Zurich, suppose my parents literally tried for a baby, made it into a weapon, then your father ordered their death— never finding out what that weapon was. And now she has to kill you because it is her whole purpose and her people are counting on her because in their eyes you guys are the anti-christ/ damned/ worst Donatus' to ever exist and will be the ruin of our people. Suppose that were so... how would you react?

The more I thought about it, the more I knew I needed to mull it all over before I said a word. This was the worse place to be where you can't choose between two fated things. I met him and fell for him...that was fate. Now I have to kill him? Which was also fate? I wanted to burst into tears. But I held them in.

"What do you want me to say?" I uttered.

I felt his arms tense around me.

"A'Miza, you must understand me by now—"

"Yes, and I don't want to upset you, but you also aren't the man I'd like to speak to at the moment," I say in a rather, serious, dry tone. I felt irritated, angry even.

"And why is that?" He sighed, annoyedly, his lips against the back of my neck...not doing anything, just against my skin...those lips..."You asked me to go, being upset now is truly unjust."

Oh. Hell. How'd he know so quickly why I was so annoyed... I didn't even figure it out till now. I felt the blood rush to my face then immediately dissipated. But 'unjust'? Yeah, I get that, but I also can't help how I feel. Especially because he doesn't even know I would have rather not have said it, I just had to.

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