Chapter Twenty-Eight- MAROONED

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"The king hasn't agreed to any actions for the coming days," Kilomel protests with Iminan, "the prince needs to be located and he and the girl pay appropriately for their crimes!-preferable with their lives!"

"No real crime was committed, she lifted us in the air and took our rings, and he merely protested against her death!" Iminan gritted, "The prince deserves more than a quick death guised as justice and the girl a fair trial!"

They had been arguing for a few minutes, while I sat quietly at my desk. It's only been four days since the Orematu turned into a full fight. A fight no one won. The fools realized their biggest asset wasn't working in their favour and did something that I can only call a shielding or blocking spell. It happened quickly— the invisible box surrounded each of them, and suddenly no matter the blow we tried to land on them, nothing hit. Then we watched as they disappeared in the blink of an eye. We were left alone on that field. Since then, we've properly returned our fighters' dead bodies to their respective families and all the vampire ash from both sides was spread out on the field by a gust of wind produced by the Royal Maleficus'. It was like nothing ever happened. They've been quiet— Siane and Dubois. I reckoned they were both trying to figure out the play here, too. My son and the witch truly threw us all for a loop.

As I watch these two fools argue before me, I am only brought back to the memory of Lily and me. His mother. In this very room, we argued for hours about what classes he should and shouldn't take for his development. I had never been married, to a human woman nonetheless. We had two different expectations of parenting. I preferred tactical, hands-on training and she was steadfast that he has a balance. We compromised in the end. Zurich by the age of thirteen read over seven thousand books, it was a simpler time, so those books weren't as hefty. He was taught to fight, hunt and speak every language, fluently. He was a perfect son. Feared, respected, smart, and never loved anyone but her, so it was nothing to him to kill others. In that field, I recognized that I wasn't even on the list of those who he would spare. I've never considered killing him, so the fool I am never thought he would dare entertain the thought toward me. The witch must have hexed him.

Whatever it was...he made the choice to defy me in front of thousands of Donatus.

"Sire, help Kilomel see reason here!" Iminan demanded, knocking me from my own thoughts. I looked up at the young man who was the same age as my own son. They were as thick as thieves. They trusted each other with everything. So of course, Iminan does not doubt Zurich's loyalty even with all that has happened.

"Being the Prince and my son will not spare him further in this life, I as his king and his father will stand no more for his continuous disrespect and disregard for the throne." I sigh, looking them both in the eyes. Kilomel seemed pleased, and Iminan was distraught. "He will be staked, publicly upon capture or once he turns himself in. She will, once the R.M's figure out how to capture her, will have to die, too, however possible."

"Sire!" Iminan protests, "See reason!"

"Iminan, question me further and you may have to join them!" I growled, feeling my initial calm temper, boiling over with anger. Does he think this is easy for me? Any of it? This situation is a bloody mess! I have had to make the difficult decision to kill my own son and it was breaking my heart. Lily will never forgive it, but he was costing the Donatus community too much. First with the blood dealing, now harbouring the one thing that could take us all out. Protecting her as though she is more important than his people—than the throne!

I sighed as the feeling of heaviness took over.

"Sire, you have chosen wisely."Kilomel nods before me, as he leaves the room. He looks over at Iminan who was clearly trying his hardest to remain calm. His temper was much better than Zurich's...but I've seen the boy lose his head. If I were him I'd hold my composure. I'd hate to kill him...

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