Chapter Forty-Five- Intensities Rising

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It was never my intention. Not after my mother. Not after experiencing a great loss like that. But I suppose I am more human than I realize. I fell for a Maleficus. It couldn't be helped. There was very little I could have done to change any of it. Letting her walk off that cliff would have been easier. I smirked at the thought and shook my head. It sure would have been.

But what I know now...and going four years knowing that she isn't here because she martyred herself for me, for our daughter, for all Donatus on this end, there is no other woman for me. Not even after death.

So it makes sense then. That the once stone cold, feared, hated, villainous Prince of the Donatus, now King, should find his weakness. I suppose it made sense too that this very weakness was the mother of my child, a Maleficus...dead... and I am now, with my last bit of sanity trying to change that fact even though I have never witnessed any magic like it. It could have all been a lie, a trap to get me to start a war and basically commit suicide. Making Vlad's job all too easy. But somehow risking my life feels like nothing...I've been alive a long time. It's Zy that I worry about...and maybe a better parent wouldn't risk a war with a toddler under their care, but I have faith that everything will work out. I have faith in my own fate. And that fate is to be with her mother, with her by our side.

I sat in my office, drinking a bottle of Vermouth I had Josephine bring to me. She also brought me my schedule for this afternoon. For a crab, she was intuitive, but today was the one day I don't wanna see work. Today I've ordered a hit on King Ivan. He and his son have been invited to a dinner by the President of Russia, where we have trained snipers situated and ready to pierce his heart with the help of Maleficus' magic. By themselves, the Maleficus' could not harvest strong enough magic to break the shield Ivan had his Maleficus place over him and Seth. According to Helen she's never seen a better shield. But, with Zyla's Duomala magic, they can break it for at least ten seconds to get the job done. For this she had to go with Helen and Iminan to Russia. I could not be anywhere near the Russian Border. If they ever got word of my presence, catastrophic and dangerous retaliation whether or not they have evidence would reach the USA by tomorrow. So, Zyla was with her uncle and Helen. I trusted them with her care. The snipers, and additional Maleficus' were sent over ahead of time to disperse in the town until needed and make it harder to track their flights. It's now 1:45 p.m over there. The dinner should be at 2, and I expect him to be dead by then and to also receive a call confirming that. Afterwhich, Iminan should stay back for a meeting that was arranged with king Ivan regarding our business plans. Of course, he'd be dead, so that will be cancelled, and he can return home. Knowledge of Zyla or Helen's presence in Russia will remain unknown to them. Everything will be fine. There is no reason for anyone to believe it's us... we had no quarrel and are only there for business.

My anxiety was at an all-time high. I took another sip from the bottle and leaned back into my chair. Breath, Z. Breath.

I'm breathing, A'Mi.

Letting out a sigh, I held the bridge of my nose. I looked at my watch again and saw that it was now 1:52.

My mind goes back to yesterday's conversation with Zyla.

"Daddy, how comes I have to go to Russia?" She asked while eating her pop tart and jumping on my bed. I sat at the bar, with a drink in my hand and turned to her with a big wide grin that I had to force and pry away from my own anxiety.

"Aunt Helen, would like to take you on a little trip, and show you the country," I smiled, "plus you'll get to shop, practice a little magic and help her with,"

Her eyes brightened,

"Oh yeah, dad?" She gasps, eyes bright with joy. " We are going to go shopping an I gert to buy whatever I want?"

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