Chapter Six-The Otherside

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Prince Zurich

This room has never felt smaller. Laying on my king-size bed, alone for these past couple of days has been a lonesome ordeal. It is daytime, roughly a bit past twelve given the sun's direction. It can't seep into my room through the windows since I have these heavy, black drapes over them---It's always night in here. A bit of light does manage to seep from the top of the drapes onto the ceiling, and that's fine. It does touch me. These infrequent sunny days keep vampires without daylight rings, prisoners, during the day hours.

... And I have joined them since my father took my ring a few months ago. I am not used to this, but I am enjoying the distance it is putting between A'Miza and myself. I can't seem to figure out why I seem to care about the frail human.

I will myself not to think about it too much, but it's a conundrum. I have also limited myself in going out at nights, knowing I may see her. I go out for walks and come back in immediately. After all I have said to her, I am sure there is no going back to being acquaintances. I am sure I don't mind, but I still think of her too often for what she is. She's goddamn Maleficus for Vlads sakes!

I sigh, annoyed at what is happening within me. I do not understand it, and it's making me angry.

Enough of this!

The killings have also cooled down as far as my intel supplies. I haven't heard of another vampire being killed in these last few months. Maybe I have killed all of the guilty. Sure, I was just killing the people who I simply suspected and who couldn't give me a great alibi before I drank them dry, but it seems I have managed to weed them out. Good.

Amun has sent me the money from this month's sales and I am very pleased. Four thousand gallons of blood usually sell quickly, even quicker during sunny days when they can't go out to hunt or don't have daylight rings. I do not want to produce much more than that though, that's a lot of dead humans. I can't afford to get caught by my father and I also can't kill so many humans. They're livestock and we need them to breed and multiply.

I hear my phone vibrating beside me on the bed and I take it up to see it's a video call from Miss Chaos herself, Naforah.

I answer.

"Do you ever wear a shirt?" She smirks.


"They are quite comfy you know? Not that I don't appreciate those abs and those nice expensive coats you wear with no shirts underneath, but shirts? They do have something going for them," She laughs, "Seriously, try them,"

"Naforah,enough about me and my wardrobe, did you fix things with Alexander?"

I watched as her eyes dimmed and she hung her head. I could feel my fangs itching against my gums as my frustration skyrocketed. Goddammit, Naforah!

"Naf, you will not have me protect you against a wrath you would have caused on yourself!"

"No one is asking you to fix it!" She growls.

"Yes, but you know I will, so do not put me in a position where I will have to fucking kill my fucking cousin!"

"Zurich, I-"

"No!" I yelled at her and I can see nerves in her face shaking with fear and angst, and a little touch of her anger that she dared not let me see, "You left here and told me you were going home to fix things with him, and now you are calling me to tell me you simply didn't fucking bother?"

"You know it is not that easy with him,"

"It damn sure would be easier than me having to intervene because he wants your head on a stake!"

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