Chapter Seventeen: Unhinged

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I never understood why Maaldamir liked to hear himself talk. He asked for me to see him in his office and since I've been up here, all he's been on is how important it is that I replace him as king and how stupid it was to risk it all for a girl. Meanwhile, all I could pay attention to is the fact that he painted his office fully black. The curtains are blood red and the furniture all black too. I remember when the space was brown. Everything oak-y looking and coffee stained. A real rustic feel.

"You're giving up too much for this fling! Nothing comes before the crown...but."

I scoffed.

What was I hearing? What have I given up? I'm merely protecting her. I can't say doing that cost me anything. I've already told myself I only had five minutes to spare and he'd used up three already. Slouching down in the chair, I could feel the dirt on my skin from the fight.

"You asked me here to watch you pace and receive a lecture from you?"

"Listen to what I have to say, Zurich," he sighs, holding his nostrils. He looked more weighed down from the late time I saw him...which was earlier today. "Today after you told me all those things about the Maleficus-I had to consult with the Royal Maleficus'"

Oh ... well, good. They may be able to help her.

"Go on,"

"The Royal Maleficus' have been telling me that something big was coming in the form of a person for years now..." He took a breath and held his temples again as if he were capable of a headache or something. So...'something big'.

I folded my lips as I nodded.

"They believe that someone is your Maleficus." He sighs. I almost choke on air as I try to hold in a laugh.

"Mhm, so my Maleficus is 'something big' huh. Interesting,"I mocked. "She seems rather tiny to me. The royal Maleficus' must need some rest. Do we have an H.R department at Imperium? They may very well be overworked, the poor things!"

I can't hold it in anymore. The laugh was aching to come out. Okay...his two minutes must be up by now.

"Well father, thank you for that information, but I really must get going- as you already know the situation with our guests is time sensitive."

"Zurich, she, according to them has a purpose beyond what any of us can comprehend before that meaning unfolds,"

"Then what significance does this information have to me if I have no idea what the hell it means Maaldamir!"

"It just means I support your aim in protecting her." He sighs, "until we know what her purpose is, she's valuable."

"She's always been valuable, father."

He shrugs and takes a sip of his brandy.

"Protect her, for now. I agree Quintin Hill is the best place for now. I still have the Royal Maleficus devise a cloaking spell for you folks."

I nodded and said nothing as I left his office.

Hmmm...funny. How I could think that this war could never be topped by anything, but now my mind only had her in it. It was as though everything that used to make sense doesn't anymore. Fucking hate it. This frail can one small woman cause this much fuss? I find myself missing when her biggest issue was sleepwalking off a cliff.

I chuckled to myself, stopping at the end of the staircase. Hmmm...go to her room? Or mow over what 'something big' means?

What would be the point of doing either? I will wait till she comes out so we may leave here. And whatever the Royal Maleficus' think she has a greater purpose, I suppose I should tell her. Though I wouldn't know how to explain it-

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