First Day

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(Monday morning)

Your alarm rang at 6:15am. You snoozed it. Then after 15 minutes it rang again and you snoozed it was well. At 6:45am it snoozed again. You turned it off and sat up. Kissing you plushy you got up and made your bed. Then you got fresh. Brushed your teeth, took a shower and came out and stood in front of your cupboard. After standing for nice 10 minutes you choose these.

Going down your mom and dad are already there

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Going down your mom and dad are already there.

"Good morning everyone" you said. Your dad looked aside from the newspaper and wished you back.

"Good morning. Ready for the first day" he said while placing it on the table.

"Yes" you nodded.

"Good morning" your mom came while bring the breakfast. She made __________ for you. (Fill in the blanks)

"Yum yum" you said. After eating you looked at the time. It's 7:30. You placed your plate in the sink and took your back.

"Are you leaving?" Your mom asked. You nodded.

"Ok then all the best"

"Have a nice day" they both wished you.

"Thankyou and I'm taking the car bye" you smiled and left.

Few minutes later you reached at the building. Making your way to the entrance you took the lift and decided to go straight to Jack's office. You got inside and pressed 10th floor button.

I just hope everything goes well today. You thought.

The lift stopped at 4th floor. Doors opened and the same two gentleman from that day got inside. They stood infront of you. You looked infront only to notice the who looked you that day, is checking you out through your reflection on the metal doors. Once he notices your stare, he glances away.

Wait---What was that? Was he... checking me out? Is he...oh quickly 10th floor. Come fast. You said inside.

Finally your floor came. But with you the two of them came out as well and surprisingly, they were going to Jaco's office as well.

"Y/n" you stopped at the voice. Same goes with the two who were distance away from you. You turned and saw her.

"Good morning" you said with a bright smile.

"Good mo--"

"Mrs. Martis" looking to your left, the other one spoke.

"Ah! Good morning sir" she bowed them.

Who exactly are they?

"Hmm actually we wanted to talk"

"Sure sir. You can sit in my office. I'll be there"

"Ok" and they left. A girl was passing by and Jaco stopped her.


"Yes ma'am"

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