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(This part will be short)

I tried to turn but I wasn't able to....something was holding tightly onto my waist. I looked and saw Jungkook's tattoo arm. He gripped tightly on me.

I tried to loose it but failed.

"Hmm" I stopped and looked at him. My handsome bill--

"I know that I'm handsome" he suddenly said and I got so embarrassed that I buried myself in his chest. He chuckled and lifted my face.

"Babe look me in the eyes" I slowly looked up. I totally got lost. My heart beated faster. And then he kissed me.

"I want my morning kiss everyday. Otherwise you won't be able to go, good morning" he said. I giggled and nodded.

Then we took a shower together and then I started to prepare breakfast. When I felt to pair of arms around my waist. It's Jungkook. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"What are you making?"

"I'm making blah blah blah(dish name)"

"But I want something else"


"You" he started leaving butterfly kisses on my neck. And then turned me and lightly squeezed my waist and as I'm a very ticklish person I jumped. He got shocked and smirked.

"Looks like something interesting I've found here" and that's it. He then started to tickle me until I was lying on the floor.

"Huh....you evil double bunny" he looked at me. And hovered.

"Wanna see what is cute bunny and what is evil double bunny?"

"Hehe..I-I was joking babe" he chuckled. And then we got up. Thank god. I wasn't able to fight back because of course. When you have a muscular husband.

"We'll leave at 12 ok?" I nodded. We are leaving for Switzerland for our honeymoon. I'm very excited. It'll be so much fun with him.

At 11:45

We were at the airport in the checking line when I noticed a girl checking out Jungkook. What the fuck?! I poked my inner cheek. She bites her lips while looking at him. Once my checking was done I was Jungkook my bag.

"Hold this" he holds it.

"What happened? Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"Wait here I'll be back" I turned and rolled up my sleeves. She was so focused on him that she didn't saw me already standing near her. I crossed my hands.

She side eyed me and rolled them making a disgusting face. I'm a kind of person who losses her patience easily but I tried to control. TWICE.

"STOP. STARING AT "MY" HUSBAND" I gritted my teeth.

"So what if I don't? Huh? But he's very hot....let's ditch him"

A/n: it was at the moment when that fucking girl got fucked up.

I slapped her. Then grabbed her hair and slapped again.

"Say that again bitch....how dare you say that!!!!!" I shouted. And suddenly Jungkook came running and tried to stop me.

"Babe stop it!!"


The cops came and tried to separate us. Jungkook picked me up and took me away from there.

"Babe babe it's ok. Stop now"

"I swear I'll kill her one day. You are only mine ok?" I said out of anger. He looked at me while smiling softly.

Hours later

Now we were about to land.


We then arrived at a very expensive yet beautiful hotel. While checking the receptionist was looking at Jungkook. I glared at her.

Then Jungkook called someone.

"Hm....yeah" then that receptionist got a call.

"WHAT?! But why sir....no no sir I wasn't....sir please sir" and then she placed the receiver down and started crying.

"Yes it's down...Thankyou" then Jungkook hungs up and looked at me.

"Happy now?" I was shocked.

"You got her fired?" He nodded.

"I don't want you to fight so.." I laughed.

"Thanks koo"

"Koo" he giggled.

And then we enjoyed.


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