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After Jaco called the two, without wasting time they both came.

"Sir please have a look on these designs" she handed over it to them. As they both moved the next, there was a very surprisingly look on their face. They gave them back.

"These are perfect. Exactly what we want"

"Who made these designs?"

"Sir remember hours ago I was with a girl. She designed these" Jaco said. They both looked at each other.

"Could you please call her"

"Sure sir" Jaco pressed a button and her assistant came in.

"Yes ma'am"

"Tell Ms. Y/n to come to my office right now"

"Ok ma'am" and he left.

In your office your were designing something new on your Mac book when a knock was heard.

"Come in" you said.

"Ma'am Mrs. Martin have called you"

"Ok" you got up and took your Mac book as well. The assistant knocked on the door.

"Come in" he opened the door for you. You saw the two mens.

Oh these two. I think they are some VIPs. I should bow them.

You bowed them. They slightly moved their head.

"Y/n meet them. He's Mr. Kim and Mr. Park"

Oh so it was Mr. Park who was checking me. Hmm~~

"And they both liked your work. So from now on you have to work for them. They are really respected and rich bussiness man. And it's a big opportunity for you"

You looked at them and bowed again.

"It's nice meeting you Mr. Kim and Mr. Park. I'm Park Y/n. And I'm very thankyou to you for chose me"

"Oh you are Park as well. Nice" Mr. Park said in a flirty way. I guess it's his nature. But I don't like it.

"Y/n do you make paintings also?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Um yes sir how do you know?" He points towards you book.

"Oh um..I was just making a rough sketch and then I'll painting it"

"Ohk" he nodded.

"Y/n you give me your number so that I can tell you your work" Mr. Park said and gave me his phone. I saved my number and gave him back. He brushed his finger tips on my hands. I pulled my hand back.

Such a perv.

"Ok then we'll be leaving now. Thankyou Mrs. Martin and Ms. Y/n" Mr. Kim said and I bowed him. After that they both left.

"Jaco who are they?" I asked.

"Y/n they are the richest bussiness men. Haven't you ever heard about them? They all always on the first page of newspaper. Everyday making some big profits. Wins against their rivals"

"Oh...what's the name of their company?" I asked.

"They have their own different companies. Like..ohh....they are brothers. After the death of their father they all divided the shares and are working together. There are 3 Kim brothers who owns one share. Mr. Park the other shares. Mr. Min and Mr. Jung have their own shares. But you know I don't remember their 7th, the youngest brother. The also have two shares. Kim brothers could have their own shares but they wanted to work together. But still if I say, Kim brothers have their own shares. Each one of them have their own bussiness company. Like of branded clothes, art, expensive things which I don't know what are they and many more. Beyond your thinking. And you know they all are still bachelor. And....what more should I say. Like...THEY.ARE.THE.BEST. Haven't you heard anything about them?"

"No I haven't. I don't waste my time in these--"

"Hy hy hy don't say like this. Mostly every bussiness company works under them. Even mine and my husband's. They are GREAT"

"Yea maybe. Ok I'll be going now" you took your designs and left.

Are they really that great. Cuz till now I have only heard of company. Which is....the 'Jeon Company' I heard heard it's name but never saw the CEO of the company. Well I don't--

"Ahh!!" I bumped into someone.

Shit. I'm so careless.

"Hyy are you ok?" I looked at the voice.


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"Yea I'm ok and I'm sorry" I said.

"No no it's my fault. Actually I was looking in my phone. By the way are you new here?"

"Yes. I'm Park Y/n and you?"

"I'm Bang Chan. Nice to meet you Y/n" he smiled and you smiled back.

(Hours later)

I was working casually when I got a call from an unknown number. I first ignored it but again. So this time I pick it up.


"Why weren't you picking my phone?" A male voice scolded me. Like bro what?

"Excuse me who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Mr. Park" I stumbled on my chair.

"I-I-I'm sorry sir. I usually don't pick unknown calls" I truly told.

"It's ok. So I called you for sone work"

"Yes sir"

"I want you to design 4 beautiful dresses for women and men. I'll be giving you 2 days time. And it should be like when the model wears it. It's comfortable and light. Got it?"

"Yes sir"

"Hmm and save my number. Not by pervert or flirty ok bye"

"O..ok bye sir" he chuckled and hung up.

*Knock knock*

"Come in" Chan came in with a smile.

"Are you do e with your work?"

"Why? What happened? You need something?" I asked looking up at him.

"It's 2pm. Let's go have lunch"

Oh. Time flews fast.

"Wait a sec let me arrange my things"

"Ok" he said and sat on the sat.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"

"Y/n aren't you-- oh...Chan"

It's Mia but why did she trailed off by seeing him?

"Hii!! Where were you the whole day? Huh?! I didn't saw you for even once" he asked her.

"Oh..I had some.. important work to do"

Her cheeks got red but why----wait....mayne he's the one she told me about. Oooohhhhh~~~ I'll ask her later.

"Ok I'm done let's go" I said.

"Ok. Mia join us to lunch" Chan said.

"Oh-ok" he threw his hands on our shoulders and walked.


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