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It's been weeks since we both got separate. Jungkook do comes to office daily but talks to no one, except Namjoon and Jin. I still haven't given him divorce. But he still asks for it sometimes. But..I won't give him.

Currently Jimin is taking care of me very much. He is working very hard these days. I've taken work from home. Cuz Jimin told me too.

"What are you doing here?" I startled hearing Jimin's stern voice from behind. I turned around.

"Uh..I...I'm making....din..ner, hehe" I said.

"Y/n I told you to leave it. I can make it na" he said coming towards me.

"I know that but you are working so hard, can't I atleast make dinner" he held my hand.

"I said stop doing it"

"Please Jimin. You are doing your best to keep me happy. Can't I just.." I looked at him. The sadness in our eyes.

"And...dinner is done" I said.

"Fine I'll serve it then" he said and I nodded. He then served me food and we at with some chatting.

"Why don't you have one?" I asked.

"I don't want to. I do t like relationships" I laughed at his statement.

"You know how many girls are crazy for you?" I said. He laughed out loud.

"I know that" I looked at his eyes. His eye smile is the cutest. It made me laugh too.


(Jungkook's pov)

I was lying watching tv when Jin hyung came.

"Jungkook please eat something" Namjoon hyung said.

"I'm don't hungry hyung" I said taking sip from my soju bottle.

"Jungkook stop drinking it's not good for your health" I ignored.  Suddenly I felt some smell. Jin hyung placed the food in front of me. It looks delicious but....it can't like her food.

I'm missing her food, her voice, her everything. Was I really that bad? Why did she even cheated on me? Should I have atleast listened to her?


(Your pov)

"How is he?" I asked Jimin.

"Hyy g said that he is not taking his meals on time, overworking himself and drinking too much"

"WHAT?!!" I shouted.

"Shh~~" Jimin said. I looked in front of me. Taehyung is sleeping on the couch.

Why is he not taking proper meals? How can he be so careless? He is even drinking. I guess...he hates me too much now.

"Y/n" Jimin called and I looked at his direction.

"I'll be back in a while. Got something to do. Taehyung is here only so don't worry ok"

How can I not worry when he is here? I nodded and then he left.

"Arghhh this headache" I sighed and went to my room.

(Taehyung's POV)

Finally I'm here alone with my love. Let's have some fu---

"Arghhh this headache" she said. And left. I opened my eyes. Getting up I went to Jimin's room and got the medicine. I then knocked her door. But no response came. So I opened the door and saw her sitting there while looking at something in her phone. Her teary eyes. I gulped down. Her eyes were getting teary. I cleared my throat. She looked up at me. Everytime she just just scream at me or scold me but today she didn't said anything but just looked away. I went upto here and gave her the pill.

"It's for your headache" I said.

"I don't want your pity or sympathy" she said.

"Just take it. I promise that...today I won't do anything to you" I said. Ahe didn't looked at me. I took a glass of water and held them infront of her. She sighed and finally took it. I lightly smiled. After that I left her.

"Rest now. I'll have some fun tomorrow" I smirked.

"Fuck off" she said and I left.

(Your pov)

I lied on my bed.

Please take care of yourself Jungkook.

(Jungkook's POV)

Hope you are fine Y/n.


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