Fun with Jeon

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After driving for like 15 minutes, Jungkook parked his car at some place.

"Come" he told me to come out. He then locked the car, held your hand and started walking.

Where is he taking me?

"Jeon where are we going?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled.

"Just walk" I nodded as he said.

After walking for few minutes I saw some lights. We went further and it was so beautiful.

"Today it's "Seoul Festival" so I thought to take you here. When I was a child I used to come here with mom and dad. Or with my brothers but.....after dad I took all the responsibilities. So I never got time. Then I thought to come here with you today"

I just looked at him, in his shinny eyes.

"Now don't get emotional. Let's go and have fun" he said and dragged me in.

"It's so beautiful and amazing" I said.

"Seems like you came here for the first time" I nodded. He got shocked.


" dad never took me to places like this" he just nodded.

"First we will eat something then we'll play games. Ok?"

"Ok" I smiled while nodded.

"Cool" he smiled and we entered in an small restaurant. The smell of beautiful food tickled my nose. I inhaled.

"Ahh~" Jungkook smiled.

"Come sit here. I'll be back"

"Ok" I said and took a seat. In some seconds he came back.

"Where did you went?"

"To give our order"

"Oh" I looked around. It's full with people. Families have come. Kids are laughing and enjoying. It's so beautiful.

Meanwhile, Jungkook is just staring at his beautiful fiancé.

I can't wait for the wedding day Y/n. He thought.

"So from which college are you graduated?" He asked her.

"Hanyang University. 2 years ago"

"Oh!..nice. And for how long you have been working?"

"Um...not for long. Just 3-4 months ago I joined"

"Why so late?"


"Your order sir and ma'am" before you could say anything, the waiter came with your food.

"Enjoy" he said and left.

"Let's eat" Jungkook said and grabbed his chopsticks.

There is delicious noddles, kimchi, and bimbibap.

"Jungkook will we able to eat everything?"

"Yes cuz I know that you skipped your lunch and sometimes I do the same. And we both are hungry right now. So without anything just dig in" he said filled his mouth with kimchi.

I smiled and started eating.

"Mhm~~ yum"

"So you were saying something that why you joined your job later" he said.

Wait---do I have to tell about it now. Should I? But what if he get mad and leaves me? No no..I won't tell him.

"Uh because.....I wanted to study more about fashion designing and that I won't do some stoop mistakes" I lied. He just nodded.

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