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I got so shocked to see him. He's koo's V hyung. I can't believe. I thought that I would never see him again.

Taehyung's POV

As Jungkook went out to take Y/n, I quickly went to the washroom. I don't know how to face her now. After so much have happened. I then took few breaths and went out. And there I saw her. Y/n. She looked at me shocked.

"Y/n, he's V hyung" Jungkook said. And she lightly bowed me and I did the same without saying anything. She is looking so beautiful.

(Author pov)

You suddenly got uncomfortable. So you excused yourself and went in the kitchen. Jungkook came following you.

"Baby, what happened?" He worriedly asked.

"Nothing koo....ask them when they want to eat dinner. And I'll just prepare everything"

"Hm ok" he then came back.

"They are not hungry right now and said let's sit together and chat for sometime and then they will have dinner"

"Oh ok" then he held your hand and took you to drawing room, even if you don't want to. You sat between Jungkook and Jin. To the worst for you. Taehyung was sitting right in front of you. You just sat quietly.

"What happened? Today Y/n seems quiet down" Namjoon said.

"Huh...oh it's nothing" you said.

"Did something happened?" Jimin asked.

"No I'm totally fine"

"Actually for a past few days she is not feeling well" Jungkook said holding your hand. They nodded.

"Take care of yourself" Hobi said. You smiled and nodded. They then all started talking again.

"Now what happened to you? Why do you seem upset Taehyung?" Suga asked him. He just shooked his head.

"It's ok hyung.... everything will be fine" Jungkook said.

"Fine?" I whispered to him.

"Uhm he recently got divorced. That fucking girl cheated on him and ran off with some money"

"I never loved her" Taehyung said sipping from his bottle.

Come on Y/n. Just get over him. Jungkook is much better than him. He lives you. He's with you.

You thought....and then started talking with them. Little by little you could sense Taehyung's stare on you. That made a bit weird so you got closer to Jungkook.

"Ok guys it's 10 now. Let's have dinner" you said.

"Ok" everyone shouted.

"I can't believe koo you didn't drank much and didn't even asked for food" you whispered to but Jimin and Jin heard it and started laughing hard. You then went to the kitchen. You were heating the food when Taehyung and Namjoon entered to place the bottles.

"Where should we?" Joon asked.


"Ok" they then placed and Joon left but Taehyung stood there.

"Hyy" he said but I ignored.

"How are you? Please talk to me. Y/n" I ignored all this sayings.

"Y/n, you got married. Did you missed me? Y/n answer me"

Oh god..I'm getting irritated. Can he see that I don't want to talk to him. But to the best Jin came.

"Y/n you need any help?" He asked.

"Oh yes. Can you bring these two out"

"Ok" and then we went out. Taehyung came following us. I quickly placed the food on the table and called everyone. They all came running. Jungkook took my hand and quickly made me sit beside him.

"It's self serve" Suga said.

"Why hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Can't you see she is so tired. You only said that she is not doing fine. Are a pabo?" He said. We all laughed. Jungkook nodded and then looked at me. I then only served koo.

"Uff...so much..." Jimin laughed. Then we all took the food. Everyone was loving the food when he spoke.

"It's so yum. You cook so lovely" Taehyung said. He's too clever. He knows that I can't ignore him in front of everyone. I lightly nodded and smiled.

"Look now Taehyung is happy. I told you there's magic in Y/n" Hobi said.

"There sure is" he said. "But the way, what job do you do?" Fine....I lost.

"I'm a fashion designer"

"Hmm I see. Nice. So did you both dated before getting married?"

"Taehyung stop teasing them" Jin said.

"No we didn't" I said. He nodded.

"Did you ever had a boyfriend before you got married?" I glared him and he smirked.

"Do YOU had one?" I asked him. He looked at me more like glaring and continued eating without answering. 

I was then just wondering what all koo told me about him. He got divorced and she ran away with his money. Huh..no wonder. He might have cheated on her just like me. Thank god she left him.

After sometime we all the done eating and I was cleaning the kitchen when koo came.

"I forgot to tell you something"

"What is it?" I asked but he hesitated.

"Just tell me koo. I won't say anything"

"Hyungs told me that they will sleep here. Since V hyung is here too so... I thought that I'll tell you later but I forgot. I'm so sorry" I closed my eyes trying to calm myself. I don't have any problem. But that filthy person will sleep here too.

"Ok" I said. He looked shooked at me.

"Really? You ok with that?" I nodded. He smiled and left. That Taehyung. I'll kill him.


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